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League has not finished in time for season update day

Toronto Blizzard

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Hello Advanced Editing Community!

I have searched these forums and know that this issue has come up before, but none of the solutions suggested in the past have worked for me.

I skipped FM21 and am preparing a file I used in FM20 to (hopefully) import into the FM22 editor.

I decided to make some enhancements - changing a championship playoff in the second division to two automatic promotion spots and a four-team playoff (teams 3-6) for a chance to play a promotion/relegation playoff against the 16th placed team in the top division.  I looked at both France and Scotland and copied how they were set up.  But something about the relegation playoff seems to be causing trouble, since when I removed it I was able to verify the top league.

I've seen lots of suggestions about changing the nation's season update date, making sure the league dates have enough space, et cetera.  I even moved the season update and league dates into the following year and still got the errors.

I'm getting the "Not finished in time for season update day" error. 


I initially had errors related to "not being able to find enough teams" for the promotion/relegation playoff stage, but I fixed that, and yet, it appears that stage is not being created.

The season update day is January 1.


The structure's season periods end in early December


Both leagues' date periods run March-December



The top division's league stage is March-October



The round dates for the relegation playoff are November 15 and 22.



Any insight from the community would be greatly appreciated!  I've attached the file as well, in case anyone has time to take a look.

Thank you for your time!!

Export to FM22 - Canada - test.fmf

Screen Shot 2021-11-06 at 1.59.02 PM.png

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