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[Suggestion] Backroom Staff Teams


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Something that I loved experiencing on FM21 in my Journeyman save was the option to have a budget by the new club to approach staff from my old club. This is great and in my opinion, it is close to perfect.

What i would love to see on future FMs is the ability to effectively build long lasting Backroom Staff Teams. My suggestion would that instead of randomly approaching your old staff once you have moved over to a new club, You could have almost "ready made" teams that will follow you (if the new club is willing to fund this).

A way I feel this could be created is, if you build up a relationship with your staff over time (like is already implemented in the game with dynamic favored personnel), then the relationship could either be graded (A+ to E). Alternatively, and potentially a more sensible way of doing it, could be to add a separate "Staff Relationships" Tab to the current Relationship screen on your managers profile. Here there could be a list of all current staff at the club that you work with and a brief description of the current state of each relationship, in a very similar way to that which is already done on the Relationship screen. 

In order for the staff to be in a position to potentially follow you to another club, the staff would need a very high rating (A or A+) or maybe a description such as "Inseparable".

At this point once this level has been reached over months/years of working together at the club, you could then approach these staff in Private Conversations (much like is already implemented for staff and players). One of the options to discuss with the staff will be "Backroom Team". At this point you are able to ask the staff memebr something along the lines of:

"When or if I ever level this club, I would love it if you would join me and follow me to my future role as part of my backroom team"

At this point they either agree or say no. If they agree, they are then added to "Your Backroom Team", a new page somewhere on your managers profile. They will be added in the role that they are currently doing for you at the current club. This "backroom team" is limited to a select number of staff (potentially based on your reputation) but would most likely be always limited to 1 Assistant Manager.

Then when you do get sacked or resign, all of the staff in this "Team" will leave the club with you instead of the seemingly randomness that happens now. I do feel bad when staff currently leave there job when I leave the club, but I have no intention of bringing them with me!

Then, on appointment to a new role, I will still have the option to re-jig the backroom staff how I wish, but the "Backroom Team" will be near dead certs to join me. Again, at the moment I find some of the staff you have good relationships with turn you down when you offer them to join you. At the moment it is very hard to make a realistic backroom staff team.

I feel that this alteration to a recently implemented mechanic would be fantastic in adding an addition layer of realism and immersion to those long term journeyman saves that we all love!

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A side note that building the initial relationship with the staff could be linked to the recently introduced “Staff Meeting”. Taking staffs advice would slightly increase the relationships over time, ignoring it could decrease the relationships.

Even asking for a second opinion from other staff members could increase the relationship, regardless of if you take the second opinions advice or not, as they could feel move valued by you? Asking second opinions is not something I have really done in the Staff Meetings so it could add more value to this current feature.

Of course, just spending time together at the club would also increase the relationships over the months and years you are with them.

Edited by BrightLad5
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