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[Quest] How to use the teams map?


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Hi all.

I'm trying to create a real Argentinian estructure (a very hard work, really) and I can't understand how to work the teams map. In all tries, the editor verified the estructure but then, in game, it not reflexed it.

In 1st division, I have 2 groups and I need: [1A vs 4B] vs [2A vs 3B], and the same with the other group.

Also, in low divisions, I need 2A vs 4B, 3A vs 3B and 4A vs 2B. Then, runner-up of first final "fall in the round" and plays with the worst team in regular phase (in this case, the chart is not predeterminated, is dynamic).


Someone could help my with this?


Thank you very much.





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