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Using same custom database for nation and continental rules

Toronto Blizzard

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Hello editors!

A bit of a long story (see the screenshot below), but basically I used the same database with 38k changes to create nation rules (Canada) and continental rules (North America).  Obviously, each verifies independently in the editor, but when I try to load both files I get the following error.  I've checked and the clubs in the two files are the same (18 in each).  Any suggestions?



Additional Background

I have created a two-level Canadian pyramid (added more teams to the first division and created a second division).  The nation rules file works fine.  The Canadian Championship is considered a continental competition because Canada's MLS teams are considered "American".  I want the "continental" competition to draw from both Canadian divisions plus the MLS clubs.  I initially created the continental rules in the advanced editor with the default database, rather than using the same custom database for both files.  

However, I get the "needs x teams, can only find y teams" error.  I assume it's because the default database only has eight teams in the top division (rather than 18) and no second division.  This wasn't a problem the last time I did this in FM20 - the file verified in the editor without problem.

Any suggestions on this?

Edited by Toronto Blizzard
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