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What influences role familiarity?

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Does it go up based on the role they play in or based on the role they're training in? or both?

Reason i ask is i'm about to enter my 3rd season with Man Utd, i have Mbappe as my primary LW and i still have Ronaldo as my ST, however, i plan on giving Mbappe far more game time at ST because of Ronaldo's declining physicals, so some games he'll play ST and some games LW, and he's currently set to train in the LW position.

So how can i keep Mbappe familiar with both roles at the same time? If i play him enough in both will his familiarity stay maxed out in both? I'm worried that if i keep playing Ronaldo every other game, Mbappe will never be familiar with the advanced forward role because i keep putting him back to LW.

Edited by bluehefner
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34 minutes ago, bluehefner said:

Does it go up based on the role they play in or based on the role they're training in? or both?

They need to be trained in the particular role to gain tactical familiarity, and you also need training sessions that stress the familiarity with that role. Attacking movement, defensive shape, match tactics, and match practice are the typical way forward. Alternatively, if you have a general tactics session, or more advanced tactics sessions in attacking and defensive shadow play, this will also exercise familiarity. Simply playing in the position does not give them more familiarity with the tactics they should employ, though playing them in that particular role is important if they are not a natural fit for that area of the pitch. If they aren't a natural, then they can only really be trained up to competent, then must gain experience in the role to take more away from tactical sessions, eventually becoming natural in the spot. Until they are a natural, they will be limited in how familiar they are with the tactics.

45 minutes ago, bluehefner said:

So how can i keep Mbappe familiar with both roles at the same time?

I don't think you really can. Players are apparently incapable of understanding two different roles, regardless of the area of the pitch, at any given time, in a single tactic or multiple tactics. Once you start training in one, it will reduce the other in time to "awkward", usually in direct proportion to the familiarity of the new role. I'm not sure I see the reasoning behind this design decision, but whatever.

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54 minutes ago, Prepper_Jack said:

They need to be trained in the particular role to gain tactical familiarity, and you also need training sessions that stress the familiarity with that role. Attacking movement, defensive shape, match tactics, and match practice are the typical way forward. Alternatively, if you have a general tactics session, or more advanced tactics sessions in attacking and defensive shadow play, this will also exercise familiarity. Simply playing in the position does not give them more familiarity with the tactics they should employ, though playing them in that particular role is important if they are not a natural fit for that area of the pitch. If they aren't a natural, then they can only really be trained up to competent, then must gain experience in the role to take more away from tactical sessions, eventually becoming natural in the spot. Until they are a natural, they will be limited in how familiar they are with the tactics.

I don't think you really can. Players are apparently incapable of understanding two different roles, regardless of the area of the pitch, at any given time, in a single tactic or multiple tactics. Once you start training in one, it will reduce the other in time to "awkward", usually in direct proportion to the familiarity of the new role. I'm not sure I see the reasoning behind this design decision, but whatever.

Thanks for your reply.

So basically despite a player being natural in multiple positions, the game won't allow me to rotate that player around those positions (in different roles) without some negative impact on my tactic, although just how much of a negative impact it has remains to be seen.

I guess i'll have to wait and see how the season goes, and potentially change Mbappes training to advanced forward if he's outperforming Ronaldo at ST.

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11 minutes ago, bluehefner said:

So basically despite a player being natural in multiple positions, the game won't allow me to rotate that player around those positions (in different roles) without some negative impact on my tactic, although just how much of a negative impact it has remains to be seen.

Correct. I will say that it's only a small portion of their overall tactical familiarity, and if a player is familiar with everything else, he should play generally fine while being a bit awkward in a tactically unfamiliar position. It may be less than optimal, but they should generally know what to do, and do it reasonably well if they're suited to it, and a natural in the position. They're not going to wander around aimlessly or anything.

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