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Get free FM 21 from amazon prime or pay for new FM 22?


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There's not a massive leap.  If you like data, the Data Hub in FM22 might make it worth your while - but if not then FM21.  If you like youth saves in small countries - then the dynamic youth ratings in FM22 might be of interest - although there's a bug and it's not working properly, so you would have to wait for any patch.

Overall, I'd probably go FM21 for free - and then if you want FM22, wait until after the final patch in March and get it at half price - or wait until this time next year when it might be free on Prime again.

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If you want the best game, FM 22, especially after it gets patched in December. If you want to save money, FM 21. Is 22 way better than 21? Of course not. I got 22 and I think it's worth it, but only you can decide if you prefer saving money.

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