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[FM 22] Game performance when playing multiple managers at one save

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Hi all,

I'm starting a new long term save where I want to play 20 managers at once. I will select 10 leagues from 8 countries, with big database. No customs files, etc.

I've already tried to play 15 managers and it's been working smoothly, but I went only to October, so I don't really know how the game will react in later stages, after a couple of seasons.

There is my question: does playing multiple managers have any influence on game's performance? Of course I'm aware the game will stop more often and will be a bit slower, but I'm wondering if there are any other issues after playing more time. Will the game's speed be at the same level as it is at the beginning of the save, or much lower? Is there anything I should know about before starting such a save?

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The more information that the game has to process at every break, it follows that this will take longer as a save grows.  That set up will I suspect increase the data processing by some way so the game speed will undoubtedly slow as your save files grow.

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Thanks for the reply, that's what I thought. I will go for less teams then, 8 managers should do the job for me.

Anybody else has experience in playing a couple of seasons with multiple managers and could share his opinion?

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