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Need help with tactic - FM18

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I am having problem with a tactic I have downloaded online so I hope someone can give me some insight on what changes I can do. I am playing as Arsenal on FM18 and it is my third season and I have been using this tactic for the first time since the start of the third season.

So a lot of the teams seems to be using a defensive mentality and park the bus kind of tacticin the premier league and I have been finding it difficult to score goals.

The only roles that have PI are SK - Distribute to Centre Backs, BPD's - Close down Less, DLP - Run Wide with Ball and AP-Su - Run Wide with Ball.

I have tried lowering the defensive line to Normal or Slightly Deeper and removing Offside Trap. I have tried Closing Down Sometimes/ Less. I have changed AMR from Winger to Inside Forward. FB from Attack to Support etc.

I am even having a hard time getting my CF to assist or score goals.

What do I do?


Screenshot 2021-12-04 at 11.42.59.png

Screenshot 2021-12-04 at 11.43.10.png

Screenshot 2021-12-04 at 11.45.48.png

Screenshot 2021-12-04 at 11.44.59.png

The match with Watford finished 1-1

Edited by Hieberflab
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@Hieberflab  So there are a number of questions that you need to ask yourself:

Where am I taking shots from? 9 on target out of 20 isn't bad, but are they low percentage shots? Are your players rushing opportunities? If you take a look at the footage for each shot, I am sure you will find a piece of the puzzle there. That should then lead you onto the worst part.... the tactic. I know you downloaded it, but for me it's utter rubbish. It's crammed in every single instruction for the sake of instructions being there and piled on stuff that you just don't need.

You have not 1, not 2 but 3, yes 3 playmakers on the team. 3 players who all want the ball all the time to try and do something with it. First up is Danny Welbeck, who is not a playmaker. He isn't even much of an attacking midfielder to be honest, all his strengths are coming from the outside as an IF with pace and trickery. He is the last person you want trying to dictate the play from the hole, maybe a switch to a SS to try and get into the box late would help as right now you have a player looking to play a killer pass to one, maybe two people in front of him - if he doesn't try and dribble into the box himself.

Playing a DLP(De) is fine, as they will recycle the ball and cover for your full back on the left when they go forward. Pairing them with either a supporting midfielder or a defensive one is a good idea, but an AP(Su) is one of the more aggressive roles that could play as a partner and is yet another ball hog. I would suggest a CM(De) or (Su) or a Carrillo to help provide cover instead.

The instructions are a complete mess. Attacking already has a higher tempo, defensive line and closing down as standard and increases the mentality of all of your players so there is no real need to layer on extra closing down, even higher defensive line and telling the players to play at ludicrous speed instead of just breakneck. Offside trap, tighter marking and get stuck in on top of it all. Ugh. Using shorter passing is fine, and works with the retain possesion and work ball into the box as attacking can be more direct as standard, this brings it down to a more reasonable passing length which is one area this tactic has gotten right. Using Look For Overlap increases your fullbacks mentality while decreasing the mentality of your respective forwards, which may stop your IF(Su) getting into the box as much. A simple change is to remove the instruction and use a Wb(At) on the left, who will get beyond the IF and allow him to move inside - creating an overload. On the right either a Fb(At) or my preference - Wb(Su) who will support the winger and provide a crossing option from deeper.

I would tailor the crossing style to the type of forward I am using, though for this sort of formation I prefer using low crosses as you have players coming into the box late or it will go right across the face from Winger to IF for a tap in. There is also no need for 2 BPD's, you could use maybe 1 as they can try and force the play a little at times. A BPD is just a CD who is better at passing, so why not try just 2 CD's together and see how it goes?

The tactic I included here is an example I knocked up quickly, exploit the middle increases the mentality of the players who are playing in the centre, increasing the compactness of your side.

Example tactic.jpg

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@Garrlor Thanks for answering. The screen shot above was my second team and I didn't even realise I put Welbeck on CAM it should have been Iwobi but any how this is how my first team looks like.


I have tried the tactic you made above and this is the stat from the match. The match ended 0-0.


The crosses completed is like my other tactic very low percentage.


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@Hieberflab so the thing that stands out to me straight away is the number of long shots your side took. Almost half of your shots. Either your players are rushing thier decisions and taking pot shots or they arent getting runners in front of them to make passes too. Only you can tell if its a rushed shot due to a lack of options or the players are trying to force it. You have a couple of levers you can pull in that case, dropping the mentality down a notch or trying to drop the tempo a little. Potentially slower tempo and a shorter passing game might see you open sides up more as it will give your players chance to move into position. Another small change will be changing crossing to low crosses to try and minimise the height difference by using Lacazette.

If you are playing Ozil I might consider making your AM a Treq to try and get some different movement infront of the back 9 that you are playing against. He wouldnt be ideal as a SS thats for sure. One other option is to use him as an Enganche with 2 IF's either side breaking into the box, if you were to try that then a slower tempo and shorter passing game might work. I would probably make the CM(Su) a Carrillio at that point to help cover the wings more, as he is likely to move forward and provide another passing option.

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