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Staff potential ability

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How does a member of staff reach his/her potential ability?

I've had a look at some of the staff in my game, and there are a couple of assistant managers and coaches with roughly 60 for current ability, and 190 for potential ability. Is there any prospect of these staff members improving so dramatically, and if so, how?

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They will improve with coaching courses, badges and experience.  Personally, I would have thought it unlikely that any coach will improve by that leve,l regardless of experience etc as 60 is a low starting point at any of the higher levels of the game.

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10 hours ago, FrazT said:

They will improve with coaching courses, badges and experience.  Personally, I would have thought it unlikely that any coach will improve by that leve,l regardless of experience etc as 60 is a low starting point at any of the higher levels of the game.

Thanks for the response, I appreciate it. When you say 'experience,' does that just mean working in the job?

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Coaching staff improve roughly 10 CA per license.  This is  quick growth as they can gain these points every 4 months for the national licenses and then every 6 months for the continental licenses and 12 months for the pro license.  Depending on what license these potential staff members already possess, it can give you an idea of how much of this quick growth they can gain.  

On the job training/development is much slower so the bulk of your staff's improvement will come from the coaching courses. In my own long term saves, I set up a reminder system to check in on all of my staff member's growth every 3 months.  Based on these observations, it appears that a decent technical director helps your coaching staff improve their abilities more than they would without a technical director so I would look into filling this role. 

Edited by rsihn
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18 hours ago, rsihn said:

Coaching staff improve roughly 10 CA per license.  This is  quick growth as they can gain these points every 4 months for the national licenses and then every 6 months for the continental licenses and 12 months for the pro license.  Depending on what license these potential staff members already possess, it can give you an idea of how much of this quick growth they can gain.  

On the job training/development is much slower so the bulk of your staff's improvement will come from the coaching courses. In my own long term saves, I set up a reminder system to check in on all of my staff member's growth every 3 months.  Based on these observations, it appears that a decent technical director helps your coaching staff improve their abilities more than they would without a technical director so I would look into filling this role. 

Would love to hear more details about the results you saw and how you tested, as I've always seen technical director as a useless role if you manage staff yourself. If they actively help improve staff, this changes everything for me!

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3 hours ago, Abaddon879 said:

Would love to hear more details about the results you saw and how you tested, as I've always seen technical director as a useless role if you manage staff yourself. If they actively help improve staff, this changes everything for me!

I can't say that I've done any official testing as it would be quite hard to do since staff tend to develop much slower than players, aside from coaching courses.  This would just be my observations of documenting the CA of my staff with and without a technical director over a few long term (40 year) saves in FM over the last couple of versions of FM.  Excluding the benefits of coaching courses, staff without a technical director tended to have their abilities stagnate, or outright regress, rather than continue to develop.  When a technical director was employed, staff development tended to slowly but steadily continue until they reached their PA, usually posting gains of 1-2 CA every 3 months until their peak was reached.  Employing a technical director also minimized the regression of abilities of older coaches which usually seems to start in their late 50s-early 60s or pushed that downturn in abilities to occur later in their career.  

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