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Forward Trio - Struggling to score

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I've started a save with Barcelona (boring I know), and im doing kinda ok, even with the team being kinda limited.

I'm happy with the defence, happy with the midfield and controlling the game, but my forward trio isn't working that much.

My best scorer is the Mezalla, with some very good runs using the free space between the AMR and Striker.

I was expecting more from the AML, but i just cant get it to hit the spot and be a main goal threat.



I'm happy to receive your suggestions and help!



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I would suggest changing the right FB to WB on attack and swap the CM duo over and look to focus play down the right, this should help you to pull the defensive block across the field towards your build-up with the DLF dropping deep it should hopefully create an overload on the left with the MEZ and IF to exploit. 

Hopefully getting that IF to fire. 

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Thanks for the input, but that leaves my left side a bit exposed and didnt see improvements.


I've tried 2 Mezzalas on attack paired with 2 IW on support and it kinda works, but still cant get much from the wingers and the main threat still the Mezallas. It's not bad, but my wingers are better scorers than the midfielders. 


I've seen some people having sucess with the poacher, could it work? He'll drag the centre backs deeper and open some space.

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53 minutes ago, Diogo28 said:

I've seen some people having sucess with the poacher, could it work? He'll drag the centre backs deeper and open some space.

A DLF-S/CF-S/PF-S would open up tons of space for the IF to run into. I play a similar system to you with a DLF-S as my CF and a W-Att in the AML position and my winger scores most of my goals. Typically the DLF will drop deep, pull the CB with him, turn, and then hit either the Mez or the Winger depending on which CB moved with him. 

If I were you I would either reduce the width or increase the passing distance. You're telling your players to stand super far apart but only make short passes. Do you see a lot of backwards passing? 


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Tried something slightly different. 

I'm playing with 2 mezzala and 2 IW. On one side mezzala attacking and IW supporting, the other is the opposite. 

Switched the striker to advanced forward and pressing the defense do open space for the mezzala and iw. The striker is Haaland now and he has 20 goals in 12 matches, but this guy scores in any tactic id say. 


I play wide with short passing and I'm seing now very nice short plays, with the main threat being the striker and the attacking Mezzala. Maximum width is a must for me, and having a very good passing team, retaining possession isn't hard even with the players very far apart. 

The IW on attack seems better, but still not happy with Fati goal rate. He's scoring like 2 goals in 10 matches. 


I'm winning now, improved the team, which helps, but there's room for improvement. 

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