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[Solved] History and Champion being taken from wrong stage


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I have an issue in a Multi-stage competition where the league history, and the champion, is being taken from the wrong stage.

Stage 2 is a group stage, from which 6 team qualify for the championship group, Stage 4

But as you can see the winner of Stage 4 is not being taken as the champion


What appears to be happening is the champion is being taken from teh team with the best record in stage 2, tabels from the 3 groups below




So the teams with the best records in Stage 2, Onchan, Ayre, and Malew, are being recorded in the league history, instead of the top 3 from stage 4


Ive tried every option I can think of and im stumped

File attached

Isle of Man Fictional.fmf



Edited by nasaiain
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Off the top of my head

have you made sure the box is unchecked for "top team is champion"  or whatever it's called, in Stage 2. Then in Stage 4, make sure its checked.

Also use ranking levels, sounds like the ranking levels at the end of stage 2 should have the top 6 teams with a maximum rank of 0 and a minimum rank of 5. Stage 4 ranking levels obviously corresponding to their final position (shouldn't need maximum and minimum checked in that case)

If that's not working make sure the "stage finished actions" box is checked for the entire competition and you might be able to override it so that the stage 4 winner is added to the history after stage 4 ends. That should be a backup though, if you have to rely on that then it means the game might not be properly recognizing a champion (like it's doing for you now).

Edited by themodelcitizen
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OK, ive had another look, and my thinking behind what was happening is incorrect.

Actually the champion is being taken from Stage 4, but at the start of the stage before the games have taken place.

Stage 4 starts using the record from stage 2, so 30 games played, then is supposed to play the last 10, but it is being decided before any games are played 



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  • nasaiain changed the title to [Solved] History and Champion being taken from wrong stage

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