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Flexible Dual Mezzala System 4-1-3-1-1

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Hello Guys,

I wanted to show you my tactic. Feel free to ask me anything about it.

Defending strata: Back four with attacking fullbacks and Central defenders (defend)
Defending midfield strata: anchor backing up the Central defenders
The midfield strata: consists out of a double Mezalla(support) in the halfspaces flanking a box-to-box midfielder in the center of the pitch
In the attacking midfield strata: an Advanced Playmaker(support)
Attacking Strata: an Advanced Forward stretching the field


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The method of this tactic is to give defensive solidity while also maintaining offensive punch.

Centerbacks and Anchor bonding a triangle of wall to intercept any long and high balls towards our goal, having good physical and aerial ability is key to dominate the center in front of goal.

Attacking Fullbacks on both flanks giving those deep runs and finding opportunities for themselfes, are supported and held in place by supporting Mezzalas dropping deep and often play in positions covered by inverted fullbacks in FM21. (Since in FM22 they don't tend to work they are not in any of my tactics.)

An Advanced Forward on Top, often times drifting wide, will find both the fullbacks as well as the Mezzalas. When deployed more centraly he will connect with die advanced Playmaker quite well, to hold up play and use a "steil-klatsch" move to go one on one with the keeper.

The Box-Box-Midfielder is the sauce, he will come deep in both directions to support, go on goal, defend and just to connect up.

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