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Option to have players learn a language different from the local language


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When signing a new player, you get the option to send them on an intensive language course. The language of this course gets decided based on the most commonly spoken language in the region of your club.

I'm currently managing Genk for example and all my players get send on Dutch courses. But looking at our real life players, I don't think most of them speak Dutch. I know people we're pretty surprised that Mark McKenzie for example was actually learning it. Most ppeople at the club either speak English to each other or some even only speak their native language and use a tolk.

FM assumes every players learns the native language but I definitely feel like I lot of clubs have English as a main language around the club, because a lot of international players already speak it and it's easier than having them learn the native language. Especially at smaller clubs where players might only stay in the country for a year or two.

My suggestion is basically: have the option to set a general club language, which can differ from the native language of the country. When a player signs, you can then choose to have them learn either the club or native language (if they for example already speak the club language, you might want to add in the native language as well). Or have there be a chance that a player will voluntarily learn it even when not asked (like my Mark McKenzie example). 

The could also maybe be a board requirement in club culture that the club language has to match the native language. I think Barcelona for example wants all their players to learn Spanish/Catalan and Bayern players have to learn German (I could be wrong, but I remember reading something like this). But for smaller clubs or clubs from smaller nations who don't expect players to spend years in the country, they don't tend to expect this, because by the time they properly speak the language, those players will already be leaving.

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I agree.

In addition I think they should also examine educational systems of European countries with regards to learning foreign languages.

Forgive me if I'm wrong here but Holland, Switzerland, Greece and the Scandinavian nations all learn English as a base language whilst at school therefore they should have a working knowledge of English when being generated ingame as a 15 year old.

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I agree, this should totally be implemented in the game.

When they send out people to find out about clubs, they should get them to find out most commonly spoken language, and assign it to said club.

Or a really easy way to do it, would just be for the game to add up all the languages spoken by every player at the club, the most commonly spoken language will then be set as the language to be learned!

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