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U23 and U18 staff

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I have some U23 and U18 staff. Some of these I understand the purpose and benefits of. For example, U23/U18 physios would help players recover; coaches would help with training etc.

Question 1 - What is the benefit of having / what is the consequence of not having any of the following roles for the U23 and U18 teams:

1. Performance analyst

2. Sports scientist


Question 2 - aside from coaches and physios, I've found it incredibly difficult to hire any other staff for my U23 / U18 teams. Is this a bug or is there a way I can find staff that would be interested for those specific roles? When I filter for realistic transfers and choose from the staff available, most will say they are interested in a senior team role but not for the U23 / U18 teams making it difficult to improve the staff I have for these teams.


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Do you already try to place an advert?

When I have trouble to find people for some roles on staff search I place an advert for that role. You can do it on staff screen. After one or two weeks you should receive an inbox notification with candidates list for the role you place an advert

Edited by inacion
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Thanks for the response.

I guess my question is why are there U23 performance analysts and U23 sports scientists? The sports scientists I have at the club can be used across all squads (first team, U23 and U18) so not sure why they are broken up by each squad? Same with my one lone U23 performance analyst - what is he doing exactly, and what happens if he gets poached and I can't replace him - what impact will that have on me and my team?

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