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Scout report cards


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Hey guys.

I was wondering if anyone could tell me which file that control's the size here

we have the little "Scouting centre report card" and the large "Scouting centre report card"

Both have the same content which is shared from "Scouting centre report card.xml" in widgets


My question is, where do it gets the info from that tells it, if it the little or large panel


Hope my question makes sense

Thanks in advance


big card.png

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As I shared with @junkerne in the private message, I found out that if you have the "Handling Scouting Meetings" delegated to some of your staff and he will delivery scouting suggestions to your inbox, the inbox attachment is resized. Like in the screen from my save when I tried it right now.

Does someone know what file affects this? So, we would be able to adjust the height to make it the same as with the 'normal' scouting centre inbox item.



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