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Derby games and Finals. For added immersion add the the club coach/bus entering the stadium through the crowds.


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I just a bug where whatever reason the gameplay camera ended up outside the staduim in the surrounding streets. Then the idea hit me. Maybe for those big derbies, european nights and cup finals. To add to the immersion of those events, there is  a clip of the team bus travelling through the local streets through the fans, or hostile home fans if you are away. I am thinking Liverpool vs Man city.      

And as i write this i am sure it has been suggested but having an open top bus parade as a celeberation after winning the league or major trophies.

Just some suggestions to add those extras that add to the wider FM simulation.



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I like your ideas. I am sure there is no easy way for SI add this, but things like these would add so much enjoyment to the game.

In FM we spend a lot of time clicking here and there to build a good squad, and i love that! But when you finally get rewarded for all the hard "administrative work" and win a trophy it would bring so much more joy if the celebration scenes could be expanded. The graphics for the trophy lift now is great, just more of that please! :) There are a lot of stuff in writing after winning a competition, but for myself i usually move past that pretty quickly. But if we could get more graphics showing of the celebrations i would be watching that and soaking it all in, every time. Watching the players and fans celebrate more would give a great sense of reward after years of scouting, tactical testing, team talks, contract negotiations etc. 

This i why i suggested something similar here. The manager doing fist pumps to the fans after winning a trophy:


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