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Liverpool Board Expectations...

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Hello guys,

Started a new save and I'm a bit surprised to see that the Liverpool board's Premier League expectations are only to qulalify for the CL. They do desire the title next season, but I was really expecting something tougher in the first season. 

Anyway, this is more of an observation rather than a question as I'm certain during the beta the board desired the Premier League title.




Edited by Cowboy71
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Not sure tougher is required, base it on real life; will Klopp get the sack from Liverpool so long as he achieves top four football this year and positive cup runs?  Liverpool want to win the league, but they aren't a Man City or Chelsea from a demand perspective. 

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Given that they've only won one title in 3 decades and haven't majorly improved their squad since they last won it, it seems realistic (to me), especially given the money City and Chelsea have spent in comparison. 

Plus in the game, they've just appointed a first time manager it would be a big ask for anyone to win a title in their first season with no management experience. 

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