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FM23 - if I was planning it....


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Around late summer I'd be teasing the following new features.


*Introduction of the Women's game - I know it's on the way.
*New "ambient" skin for people like me who have Fibromyalgia and need a duller colour scheme. (If you're like me the Mustermann skins are ace though)
*Slightly less emphasis on transfers and scouting, just tune it down a bit, from outside the world of football it's all about transfer rumours, within the game it's mostly training, diet, quality rest, travelling and preparing for the next match. Contract renewals and transfer talk aren't really as "day to day" for clubs as FM22 makes out. 
*Increased immersion in respect of the sometimes exhausting amount of travelling, maybe a map showing where the team are heading in the pre-match build-up screens. 

In game
*Pitches seem to look the same everywhere. New variants in grass type and colour to fit the area, muddy patches in winter. SI toyed with puddles on one version, they should be investigated again, especially on lower-quality fields of play. 
*Likewise stadiums, grounds in Asia for example might as well be in Basingstoke. UK police standing in an English-looking beer tent in Singapore? Where are the lines of militia standing on the racetrack behind the goal all holding AK47s adding to that terrifying away game thousands of miles from home feeling (for us Brits at least)
*New crowd noises. I know many listen to music and podcasts while playing as I do sometimes, but sometimes I want full immersion and sadly the crowd whether it's in Lancashire or Mumbai, sounds, acts and looks the same. 
*Weather, seems to be a pretty passive feature nowadays. I used to play in England. Gales, drizzle, hard ground due to frost or drought, torrential rain and hail showers, thunderstorms, blizzards, fog all regularly cause managers to have to adjust tactics and even players around on the fly. Aside from some rain (and sun at the same time usually) a few snowflakes and the odd white pitch that I think is supposed to be snow but looks like perma-frost, weather really doesn't affect results or management of the team. Training sessions have to be abruptly changed due to bad weather. Again, not in the game.  
*VIP view in 3D. I couldn't think of a better name but something just above the dug-out, less good for watching a match but more like what a manager sees. 
*New UI for 3D games that gives you the ability to check with key staff on the bench to see if they have recommendations, rather than waiting for that box to appear and then it disappearing before I can read it. 
*Pre-game report on how the warm-up went, warming-up subs and post match fitness routines, not a feature of the game now and a huge part of a matchday for a manager. 
*More information on the in-game tablet, like attendance, temperature, other matches, full access to the Data Hub.
*Ability to unhook the tablet and run it on an actual tablet, mobile device or 2nd screen, so players can watch the match and keep an eye on incoming performance, fitness, injury and tactical data. How immersive would that be?

Press interaction.
*Call up a journalist of your choice, maybe one who doesn't like you, try to win them over. Maybe a friendly one to help get the club's message out. A longer interview in which you can try to praise or warn players about form or get tripped-up by a difficult question. Maybe get approaches to do interviews. Fancy some fun? Speak to a journo anonymously to give them a tidbit about transfer or player gossip, club plans, jobs you're going for. Do it too often though and the board may find out!

Much of the interaction seems more like interview material. Press conferences usually just focus the result, individual performances, tactics the opposition, the oppositions manager, fouls, injuries and the of course how the referee and his team did. Long Interviews are for more global thoughts on VAR, a winter break, which of the U18s have potential, long-term transfer targets and squad building.

*FM22 Press Conference Manager Perspective. The Presser screen is far too busy, looking at a room of journos who are highlighted when they have a question and get a speech bubble above them would make more sense. Team meetings too, even just human outlines as the manager would see his or her audience be it players or press would make more sense. 

Please for the love of god give us another range of believable looking kits to choose from. For example, my usual team, Arsenal, have only one home kit option as all of the others have the same colour for body and arms. A raglan top, a flecked top as a substitute for the many patterned kits, maybe even a sandbox type of design your own kit feature. I mean, how many teams play in shorts that have half and half colours? But it's one of about 8 options for shorts. 

Can we give purple and pink a rest please? Both hurt my eyes.

Edited by Nonlondoner
Grammar audit. Additional idea.
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