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Manager Attributes and more realistic Desirability


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Apologies if this has already been mentioned or requested.


Ive just finished my 3rd season, in that time I've gained 2 promotions and then proceeded to finish Mid table in the Premier league and accumulated some £90mil in the bank and survived in the prem with a wage budget of some £350k a week. My main gripe is throughout my 3 years i've not had 1 job offer, not even a rumour of a job offer. I feel if you've gained back to back promotions and stayed in the Premier League and made the club alot of money then a number of clubs would be interested in obtaining my services but alas nothing has happened. It would be a good feature if Managers got more press coverage for over performing and asked about their own personal ambitions with regular links towards other clubs/countries.


I'd also add I think the game would really benefit from Manager attributes being far more dynamic adjusting to how well you are managing, yes the characteristics change but why not the attributes? surely i'd be learning more skills or judged on how im working with youngsters attribute by how much im using them or improving them. My motivating attribute dictated by how well my team talks have an affect (if i consistently pick a bad half time team talk action then decrease my attributes aoccordingly). My individual coaching attributes affected by how much i focus on different areas in training. If ive mismanaged players and not got the best out of them then reduce my people management stat. 


Well was just a couple of thoughts with regards to my game save so far that I feel could have improved my experience.

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