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[Suggestion] Way to improve realism of reactions slightly


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Just now it's possible for players to fly off the handle if you praise them for something they don't agree they deserve praise for.

I don't know about you guys, but I've never had someone decide they hate me because I paid them a complement they felt unworthy of. It's a very counter-intuitive outcome.

What I suggest instead is that an "unwarranted" compliment won't affect a player's mood or relationship to you one way or another. Instead, if the player thinks they didn't deserve it, the next "deserved" compliment you give them will have less of/no effect, because they don't trust your judgement after the last time.

Depending on balance, this could be a background scale, where every "incorrect" compliment you give reduces the effectiveness of your compliments by X%, and every correct compliment increases it by X%. It means managers who always give praise correctly can end up getting even more benefits (If you only ever compliment someone when they really deserve it, compliments from you mean more), and managers who don't will find their compliments don't do much, because they are disingenuous - but it won't result in players hating their guts just for being nice.

I'm not entirely sure how the effectiveness of compliments is currently calculated, but there has to be a better way of handling "undeserved" compliments better than players actively disliking you and throwing a moody over it.



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