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[Suggestion] Improvements to media system & new PR staff role


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There are a number of times during press conferences where none of the answers fit well at all. A big one that comes to mind is when they ask you why you didn't sub a player, and you don't have the option of pointing out you only get 3 subs and there were other players who needed to come off. The responses for that are all weirdly hostile, with even the "neutral" option being to tell the fans to mind their own business. If a manager said that in reality there would be pretty severe backlash from sections of the fans.

As it is, we don't know what effect that response will have. There's no way to tell. That's not a great situation.

I suggest a system similar to the one in crusader kings 3, where you can hover over each option and be told the potential outcomes. For instance, hovering over it's none of their business could show:
(80% Chance - nothing happens)
(10% Chance - small section of fans are unhappy with your answer)
(10% Chance - 1-3 players are unhappy with your answer)

This could be done for all responses, obviously. If this feels too "gamey" then put it as an option at game start, similar to seeing all stats etc, for people who want to know how this very opaque system works.

Another issue with the media questions is how repetitive they get. Unfortunately you cannot simply assign them to your assistant manager, because he will occasionally decide to insult your star player or tell the press he's getting sold, and the manager gets the blame.

An option to essentially pass over these repetitive press conferences by having a "send PR person to give neutral responses" option would be good. This would essentially make the press conferences do nothing one way or another, but would come at the cost of having to hire a PR person for staff.

There could also be the option of having the PR role be slightly more significant by giving them a chance of giving good responses which your players, fans and chairman appreciate, depending on their skill, though I feel it's important to keep the risk of negative consequences to a minimum, since the sheer repetitive nature of the conferences after 300+ hours is brutal and we really need a way to safely skip over them without negative consequences.

(Also, mods, my apologies for the multiple threads in a row, I figured splitting them into sections would make them easier for you to track. If that's not the right way to do it please let me know & merge them).



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