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[Suggestion] Coaching Badges


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At the moment, these are on the hands of the club board. I don't know why that is, maybe there is a reason for it and if there is, please let me know. But in real life, most of the coaches pay for these badges from their own pockets and there should also be an option to do so in the game.


Now, higher continental badges are expensive and so it would be irrealistic for a non league coach to pay for a PRO license (even because irl, you need to have a good resume to be able to apply for them). The suggestion is that the higher you climb on the ladder, more coaching badges would be available for you to apply for and you would need a specific amount of monthly income to be able to pay them (if the club refuses to do so).

Second Tier and up: Pro License (earning more than 50k€ p/ year)

Third Tier: A License (25k€ p/ year)

Forth Tier and below: All until B License (whatever the income is)


So, the wage values are just mere suggestions, they could be different. The problem is when you are in a 1st tier club with the A licence (or any other) and he club doesn't have money, or even worse, the club has money but they are afraid to lose you for bigger clubs (which happend to me).

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IRL, If a coach is employed by a club, that club will typically pay for a coaching license. As to why you cannot get a badge in-game when unemployed, I am not sure. Additionally, your point about non-league coach earning a UEFA Pro is reflected. In-game, my 3rd tier club refused to pay for my coaching badge after my Continental C.

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