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Full name for newgens


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AFAIK, a generated player named "John Smith" has "John Smith" as his full name (viewable under personal information in the overview tab of the player info). What I'd like to see is for generated players to have more "realistic" names. In countries where it's common for people to have more names than they're know for, it should be reflected in-game. English players tend to sometimes have more names, and sometimes not, a player named "Jack" could actually be named "John" (or "John Patrick" or other combinations of "John" and another name), "Bill" or "Will" should be named "William", there should be an approximate percentage of players with double (or even triple) first names, maybe even with several surnames that are just shown under "full name".
Another example, Swedish players often have multiple given names (Emil Peter Forsberg, Victor Jörgen Nilsson Lindelöf, John Alberto Fernando Andres Luigi Olof Guidetti).
There's different traditions in different countries, and some places it even differs between regions, and people of foreign/immigrant origin often keep their naming traditions in a new country, so a player of spanish origin born and raised in Norway would most likely follow spanish naming customs even though (s)he's eligible for Norway, and all these factors should also be taken into account.

But the main point is, to create more immersion and realism in the little details, newgens should (to some extent) have longer names shown under "full name" than what we see today. I actually use the IGE to modify some (newgen) player's names.

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