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[FM24] [WIP] Iron Curtain 1988 - If you rebuild it, it will come.

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Working on the big blocks of nationality checks, Portugal, England, France and Italy. Luckily the weather isn’t that great.

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Somewhat disappointed that I thought up another method to speed up editing when I have only France and Italy to check :D but since both are massive, that would mean the work is brought to one day.

Just a few more days remaining with my holiday and then it is back to work :(

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Didn’t post last night, because I was pretty worn out of it, but with Italy finished, all nationality checks are done. Today it is cleaning up and doing a final check on foreign player numbers and then it’s player movement time. I did a first check already last night and there are about 10000 foreign players for the European and Chinese and Hong Kong competition left. Sounds bad, but considering I started off in FM22 with 37000, much of the work already has been done. Also, this does not take into account that nations allow foreigners, so from 10000 to 0 is not the goal. Not entirely sure how much there are allowed in total, but guess 2000-2500 is the goal. After cleanup today, I hope to be at 9000 already. And then it is well deserved weekend to prepare for work on Monday.

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Managed to bring back Italy to already 264 foreigners left and Portugal to 206 foreigners left. Things go a bit slower than expected and hoped, but I am working on the really big ones right now and depending on how fast that goes things should speed up later. Austria is in the works and then Switzerland is next. With some luck I might get some work in on Germany tonight, but plans for the weekend so it's an early bed.

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First cleanup has brought back the 10000 foreign players to 5500 foreign players. Tomorrow I expect to finish several of the nations with little to no foreign players left. The list will be shorter than I expected, so that's a plus.

Also some checking for duplicates is needed where players have the same Nation and Second Nation, but that's easy to query. Not bad for a month of data work, despite some of the obstacles both physical and private.

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I already finished the first nation. Obviously the smaller ones, but also Switzerland which has more foreign players than I expected. Biggest bulk is Spain, then Italy, England and Germany. Noone will be surprised about those. Soviet Union is bigger as well, but that's moving out all foreigners and a combination of 16 countries of course. I will probably continue moving players this week and start with Czechoslovakia in the weekend, but I have to see how I like being back at work after three weeks anyway :D

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Working on the Advanced Rules for Czechoslovakia. Have a good feeling about the progress. I think the file will be finished and in test early next week. In the meantime progress on moving players is OK and is mainly done through the week.

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5 minutes ago, Motobaka said:

Not sure what your policy for testing is like but if you need help with testing let me know. 

Thanks, but no help needed at the moment. I work from home 95% of the time so the game and editor can be running 16 hours a day.

I hope there will be a beta test run later on this year though.

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To do for the Czechoslovak file now,
edit the dates to conform more to the 1988 ones (without going to the point that the dates are overlapping with the EC and WC)
adding history so the Czechoslovak information is shown as well and not just the Czech and Slovak championships.

Might have it finished tomorrow night even.

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17 hours ago, Wolf_pd said:

To do for the Czechoslovak file now,
edit the dates to conform more to the 1988 ones (without going to the point that the dates are overlapping with the EC and WC)
adding history so the Czechoslovak information is shown as well and not just the Czech and Slovak championships.

Might have it finished tomorrow night even.

Not going to finish tonight, but finising is down to the fiddly bits, setting dates, ranking levels, fixture times and such. Might do that next weekend (not that much time this week except for small edits), but this is looking pretty much finished and I am satisfied with it :)

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Owww.... Verification issue. Slovak competition can only find 12 teams where 14-18 are needed :eek:

Might be something from the actual Slovakian competition that is hidden somewhere... 

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Seems this is another version of the extinct teams issues, however, there are no extinct teams in the division at level 2 that gives the issue.

When I fix that (somewhat roughly) it gives another error at level 4 where it finds either 108, 109 or 110 teams.... Even a rough fix doesn't help. I am a bit stuck...

Edit: I think I have a solution, but if that is needed, it would mean I have to do quite a bit of work on Yugoslavia and especially Soviet Union.
Edit2: First test on solution didn't work, so might need to go several files back including the history edits :(

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Ok, solution that I thought works. I have to see if there is a better one that would mean less rework, but next week I will need to rework and if there is no other solution the impact on Soviet Union and Yugoslavia is huge.

The problem
If I test the competition for level 2 with both Czech and Slovak division, using the competitions from the default database, the level 2 Slovak competitions complains it needs 12 teams, which sounds like it is still asking data from the original Slovakia nation
If I test the competition for level 2 with both Czech and Slovak division, creating the Slovak competition from scratch from the default database, there is no error. Since I got another error when fixing that level 2 error, I might have to recreate every Slovak competition.

I am pretty sure you see the problem with the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia..... :(

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After some quiet contemplation last night I hope to fix the competition issue with Czechoslovakia tonight. First I need to recreate all the competitions from scratch that were taken from Slovakia. Then I will need to redo all the regional competitions (and this is mainly where the pain is) and finally I need to redo the competition in basic rules and re-make all changes in advanced rules afterwards. I might do the history stuff first instead now I think of it. In case I need to take another avenue I at least have done that bit.

Also 666 replies :D

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Worked on the Czechoslovak competition which goes a lot better now.

And managed to clean France and English foreign players amounts which is good progress as well.

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Not much to report, progress is progress. Getting close to have all player data changes finished which means I get room to prepare the other nations I need to work on. For now competition work mostly turns out to be data preparation, so it's good I can do that during the working days.

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Odd issue turning up, several teams from Croatia and Slovenia have turned Yugoslavian, without me doing anything about it.

Probably is because I changed their competitions to Yugoslavia, which was not my intention. Something to fix when I am working on Yugoslavia again.

Work with moving players has finished. I have some final checks in that file for players in England with a contract data before 1/2/2021 (which would make them non-foreign under Brexitrules) and some transfer values I need to purge to avoid getting sudden influx of money. Then it is checking teams for too much players, but all those checks are done in between while I am competition editing.

On that note, Czechoslovakia will be finished this weekend (pretty sure of that), next week is spend at work, in the dunes until late in the night and out for dinner, so I don't have much time to edit anyway and March is for Romania. I need to clean up the Romanian data so the competition works again and then it is checking the playoffs I have set before I convert it to advanced rules. Since Romania does not have any tricks up their sleeve like Czechoslovakia did, I expect to go through it quicker. It also means the midweeks are available for the Soviet Union and West Germany and (yes, I know this is blasphemous :D ) other games.

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One thing of note is that in almost 100 years of Czechoslovak competition only 4 times there was NO team from Prague in the top 4.

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If you hear something whirring in the background, it is Czechoslovakia that's being tested. Or you are advised to have your ears checked.

It took a little longer than hoped, because my concentration was pretty much running around the room, but I managed to pick out a few teams that I placed in the wrong area (apologies to Ruzomberok fans) and added an extra rule to make sure the lower levels wouldn't end up one big reserve team fest at one moment. The positive points is that it is done, but I am dreading Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union. At least I managed to get a good way of working down to be able to go through it quicker and for Yugoslavia I am close to the point where things would go wrong, so it is a lot less rework.

Next week will almost be a sort of restweek, with little editime on monday, tuesday I am first in the office (always physically tiring) and in the evening I am watching Dune 1 and 2 in succession (five hours of IMAX!), wednesday should see me resting as the movie takes until 2:30 and I won't be in bed until 3:00. On a office day that is a tough thing. After the planned rest day, which could see some data editing as a relaxation tool, Thursday is planned for eating out, so I won't have any real planned edit time until Friday again. The weekend isn't much better with the Sunday lost. But at least, first order is to get all Romania data back in shape which is easier to slip in for some free hours than redoing a competition, You just need to keep your wits when digging around in advanced rules.

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Some testing notes in the meantime, I am slowly building up the files by each testrun adding a nation.

So starting with Albania, next is Albania-Andorra, next is Albania-Andorra-Austria and on and on. The advantage is that if you start seeing unexpected things, you can always check back the previously save file.

I am also only testing for 15 years now, because it is strictly competition testing. When the various international competition come into play I will do longer (say 30-40 years) of runs and see how things fare.

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Just thought, if we're in 1988, does that mean Soviet are allowed to leave the country ? 


The first non-specific (meaning guys not named Hatzipanagis, Zinchenko and Shavlo) transfers came during summer 88 (Zavarov at Juve, Khidiyatullin in Toulouse, etc).

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21 minutes ago, teamemutest said:

Just thought, if we're in 1988, does that mean Soviet are allowed to leave the country ? 

The first non-specific (meaning guys not named Hatzipanagis, Zinchenko and Shavlo) transfers came during summer 88 (Zavarov at Juve, Khidiyatullin in Toulouse, etc).

Correct, players are allowed to be transferred out of the country. I have a book about the European Championship 1988 where one of the Soviet players is quoted about the rules leaving the country.

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52 minutes ago, teamemutest said:

Just thought, if we're in 1988, does that mean Soviet are allowed to leave the country ? 

The first non-specific (meaning guys not named Hatzipanagis, Zinchenko and Shavlo) transfers came during summer 88 (Zavarov at Juve, Khidiyatullin in Toulouse, etc).

I checked those names, but it seems they all played outside the Soviet Union after they turned 30, which is the age that was mentioned by Oleksiy Mykhaylychenko. Hatzipanagis is an exception obviously since he was Greek by birth.
Funnily enough, if you look at Georgia, you would find players with Greek descent in that area as well, but Hatzipanagis is not related to those.

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Il y a 10 heures, Wolf_pd a dit :

I checked those names, but it seems they all played outside the Soviet Union after they turned 30, which is the age that was mentioned by Oleksiy Mykhaylychenko. Hatzipanagis is an exception obviously since he was Greek by birth.
Funnily enough, if you look at Georgia, you would find players with Greek descent in that area as well, but Hatzipanagis is not related to those.

For Shavlo and Zinchenko, it's actually quite a political story and their age wasn't actually that important. But if there's a 30-year-rule from 1988 onwards, then that's good (even though it didn't last long).

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On 25/02/2024 at 11:31, Wolf_pd said:

I love working out the history for nations, I hate adding it to the editor file :lol:

Feel u, especially when the editor starts throwing away the most casual errors possible 

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For the time being a slight change of plans since my brain has decided to go on strike because of a pneumonia (it's connected ;) )

I will continue with data for the time being so I can prepare everything and then have one big long list of competitions edits on my plate. Despite a rough week last week, I managed to check 30% of my list of teams that are extinct or have too many players. There is a list of about 180 teams now that need attention, but considering it is about 30% of teams done that list will grow. On the other hand, it started at 75000 and with 48000 left, progress is OK there. And yes, this goes a lot quicker than you might expect. Besides that it is March, so it's now time for Romania. Depending on my physique I will finish that next week (I hope). After that it is much smaller work on Poland, and the big jobs on Yugoslavia, Soviet Union and West Germany. I am dreading Yugoslavia and Soviet Union as first thing that needs to be done is to check whether the same issue arises as with Czechoslovakia. Considering how I work and how my brains works (data-editing is relaxing rather than an effort), this might actually speed things up and depending on how the progress on Hungary, Bulgaria, Albania and East Germany is, I can even share files with Reiver who could then pick them up and finish. Anyway, we will see.

Testing is progressing and I don't need any heating currently :D

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7 hours ago, Wolf_pd said:

For the time being a slight change of plans since my brain has decided to go on strike because of a pneumonia (it's connected ;) )

I will continue with data for the time being so I can prepare everything and then have one big long list of competitions edits on my plate. Despite a rough week last week, I managed to check 30% of my list of teams that are extinct or have too many players. There is a list of about 180 teams now that need attention, but considering it is about 30% of teams done that list will grow. On the other hand, it started at 75000 and with 48000 left, progress is OK there. And yes, this goes a lot quicker than you might expect. Besides that it is March, so it's now time for Romania. Depending on my physique I will finish that next week (I hope). After that it is much smaller work on Poland, and the big jobs on Yugoslavia, Soviet Union and West Germany. I am dreading Yugoslavia and Soviet Union as first thing that needs to be done is to check whether the same issue arises as with Czechoslovakia. Considering how I work and how my brains works (data-editing is relaxing rather than an effort), this might actually speed things up and depending on how the progress on Hungary, Bulgaria, Albania and East Germany is, I can even share files with Reiver who could then pick them up and finish. Anyway, we will see.

Testing is progressing and I don't need any heating currently :D

Beterschap! Get well soon!

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Some minor update. The pneumonia is really bad so I am pretty much in bed 18-20 hours a day at this moment. Has been a while since I have this bad (April 2020 to be exact……)

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Have spend the whole morning player fixing ages for Cameroon players. Just to be safe they are all now 34.



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Slowly getting back to life. Just doing some maintenance and check work (like checking how many players there are on extinct teams and which teams need to be pruned a bit because they are overflowing).

Some people said there was a rough flu going around and I guess I picked enough up from that to get the pneumonia. Luckily the coughing wasn't a few weeks earlier. Watching Dune 2 that way wouldn't have been fun for other people.

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Planning moved a bit, but I hope to be back on Romania this weekend and hopefully even finish the Romania datapart. I planned a week for Romania, a week for Poland (probably too much, so I will win time there), Yugoslavia is two weeks (also probably too much, although I have to test the issues with the competition from Montenegro, Croatia, etc, to avoid what happened in Czechoslovakia, Soviet Union the same and West Germany to finish off data. It sounds like more work than it is, but obviously I have work in between (why, why do I have a job???). Holiday is partly planned in Germany, possible visiting games, something I haven't done for years. But 36 years afterwards, it might be nice to visit some of the stadiums where the 1988 tournament took place, even if the Dutch team isn't playing there :)

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Finishing Romania was too enthusiastic of a thought, but I have made great strides this weekend. The work and household backlog was a bit in the way as well to be honest. That's what you get with 3 weeks being bedridden.

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Romania will be done end of this week. Most of the heavy lifting in terms of data is done and I am tidying up right now. Easter will give me an extra free day as well :)

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15 hours ago, Wolf_pd said:

Romania will be done end of this week. Most of the heavy lifting in terms of data is done and I am tidying up right now. East will give me an extra free day as well :)

Excellent progress mate. 

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Romania was done on Thursday already. Friday was spend on other things and today it is time to look at Poland. With 2,5 full days (Sunday Easter brunch spoils my plans) I should be able to get most of the Poland work done.

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Currently running into a promotion/relegation mismatch. Yes, they happen to me as well ;)

Hopefully the FM20 file can help me on my way.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have put Poland aside and am working on Yugoslavia a bit. Things are progressing a bit slower with work in the way (why do I have a job?! Oh yes, I know again....) and having a short week next week with a festival.

First up is some testing on re-using competitions from the other ex-Yugoslav nations.

But maybe I will do some West German data in between to mix it up a bit.

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Decided to concentrate on West Germany as Yugoslavia testing did throw up some unexpected errors. Might have been me, but with the rather short week I want to have some progress.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Most West Germany work is done, but rework of the II and U19 teams needs to be done and that's quite some work. I am noticing that quite a bit of work was done by the researchers between FM22 and 24.

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So I thought I was done when I was looking through all competitions to check the team numbers.

Turns out I am missing teams, teams I created. The damage currently stands at 126 teams and that's a lot of work. The positive side is that I have those teams still in my last FM22 file, so I can at least copy all data if I want, but still, lot of unwanted work.

There is a very odd cutoff point which points at more teams, so I am looking through my old files now to see where things went south. The file seems to indicate the teams are still there, but I can't find them (have had that with the FM24 editor before, it's not the greatest of the last few years).

OK: We got trouble, the FM24 version 76 has all the newly created teams, the version 78 doesn;t. Have to check the version 77 to see what is in there. If the teams are in there, I have an eerie feeling what could have caused this....

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Version 77 also has all teams included. It's version 78 where things have gone wrong. Ah man, that hurts :(

I am not sure what the issue is and I am absolutely sure I didn't delete any data. In fact, the file says so as all newly created clubs are there and the only I removed, I know why I removed them, because FM added that teams (there were two).

Maybe a check of the XML can tell me what happened, but otherwise next week will be spend readding teams to the file and setting them up properly. I am not liking that and will absolutely slow me down (quietly hoping this didn't happen in other files as well :eek: )

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Comparing the XMLs doesn't make me any wiser. The information clearly is in there, but there is no reason why the information can't be read by the editor.

Most weird thing of all that v76 is a FM24 version and so are 77 and 78. So the only thing I can think of right now and which causes quite a scream moment here is that one of the editor updates has created havoc in this file.

Damn, this really has ruined my weekend.

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