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[FM24] [WIP] Iron Curtain 1988 - If you rebuild it, it will come.

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Ouch! Losing your hard work, or not being able to use it, gives a big headache. Hope you'll find what's causing this and you'll overcome this problem.

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I have used a workaround to set up II teams for competition to fill out the ranks. That means instead of 127 I only have to created 19. I have to take a good look at the level 5 rules for II teams though. I am going to set maximum for II teams, but they get higher the lower you go. So, time lost for now, but not as much (yet). I hope I can finish the data Monday or Tuesday, so I can recheck the competitions and see if I need to create more teams. I am not behind on my West Germany planning, but I don't have much room for error either. And the Soviet Union is looming.


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Luckily some good news after Sunday's dissapointment. I worked on re-adding teams today. They were more than the 19 I had in mind, but less than the 126 I lost.

Just 6-10 to go and I am done. It does help to be able to copy everything from FM22 :) Hopefully tomorrow I can start re-setting the competitions again. That will be some work with all the various cups, but could have been much much worse.

Edit: Already have set the (basic) competitions, but might dive a little deeper into properly setting all promotion and relegation. 

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Next up: Cups. Only now realised that all Verbandspokale are already in the game. Which means I can clean up a bit on the part of created competitions. Added bonus, their history is in there as well, and that was what alerted me to check the competitions when I was setting up the DFB Pokal. Makes things soooooo much easier :) Swapping out competitions should be enough to get things to work for me which probably means Basic Rules are redone tonight. I will probably do some work on the Advanced Rules, but that's reserved for a later date. This week is just to have the basics for Advanced Rules ready and see that the file verifies properly (had some headaches with that afterall....).

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DFB Pokal is trying to annoy me when not accepting the various Verbandspokale in Basic Rules. I will leave it simple without the Verbandspokale now. That's easyily added in Advanced Rules. Time for two more cups and a quick check if I can set up promotion and relegation better in basic rules to save myself time in advanced rules. I have tomorrow and Friday to do the first things in Advanced Rules and finish up the biggest part of the setup in Advanced Rules this weekend.

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hace 13 horas, Wolf_pd dijo:

Next up: Cups. Only now realised that all Verbandspokale are already in the game. Which means I can clean up a bit on the part of created competitions. Added bonus, their history is in there as well, and that was what alerted me to check the competitions when I was setting up the DFB Pokal. Makes things soooooo much easier :) Swapping out competitions should be enough to get things to work for me which probably means Basic Rules are redone tonight. I will probably do some work on the Advanced Rules, but that's reserved for a later date. This week is just to have the basics for Advanced Rules ready and see that the file verifies properly (had some headaches with that afterall....).

Do you plan to go down to Bezirkspokale or it would be much more like a headache?

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3 hours ago, gaucharro said:

Do you plan to go down to Bezirkspokale or it would be much more like a headache?

Verbandspokale is the lowest I will go to at the moment. Bezirkspokale would have needed at least an extra level on the pyramid as well and while for some areas it can be done, for other it would mean massive amounts of extra teams. As one nation project that would be doable, for this one not so much.

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Advanced Rules verified on second attempt. First attempt was thwarted by an error because of registration rules. That's a bit of a problematic one popping up regularly. Hungary had the same issue in FM20 Iron Curtain. I removed the registration rule for Bundesliga for now as I need to check on the workaround, but I do know how to put it back in, so that's easy peasy. Next up some advanced rules work and when the basics have been done there i need to write down exactly which competition relegates to which one and which competition promotes to which one via regular competition and via playoffs. If you were ever looking for a difficult sudoku..... Here it is! :D Good preparation for the similar work in Yugoslavia and Soviet Union btw!

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43 minutes ago, oche balboa said:

This shouldn't be a major ball ache for you or anyone else. FM Editor should be more simplistic and not a bloody 2nd job 

Don't tell this to an editors hideaway moderator :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

In what place in advanced rules can I set that B teams are not allowed to play at that level?

I can't seem to find it whereever I look.

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3 horas atrás, Wolf_pd disse:

In what place in advanced rules can I set that B teams are not allowed to play at that level?

I can't seem to find it whereever I look.

In the level below try this:


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Did some work on Yugoslavia today instead of West Germany


The Yugoslavia file has reached version 100 :)

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For our former-Yugoslav readers, I am in doubt about second teams in the Yugoslav competitions. Does anyone have some feedback on that?

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5 hours ago, MBarbaric said:

I might be wrong, but I don't think there were any. 

That was the assumption I was going on as well. Good, means no changes from where I am now.

Which is naming the competitions, assigning to the correct level, reputation and competition colours (yes....).

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It is time...... for the Soviet Union data checks.

If you don't hear from me for a while, I am probably looking up data in Siberia :)

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From the list of 390 versions to check I have removed 150 today. It will probably slow the coming days because today was a Dutch bank holiday and Russian and Ukrainian data is still on the list, but hey, a good start is half the work.

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Just 70 of 390 items to check. 3 items for Kazakhstan and the rest is for Crimea, Ukraine, Russia and Soviet Union. Hopefully tomorrow I have finished Kazakhstan, Crimea and maybe one of Russia and Ukraine.

Could have been worse.

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Almost finished Ukraine today, just 3 oblasts left to check which I will finish tomorrow after work. Then it's Russia time and that's going to take a few days.

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Russia has started. 83 local regions to do, because I am doing this per local region.....

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Data checks for Russia are complete. Next up some general checks and some Soviet Union checks. There are few big checks on the lists, but hope to get a lot done as next week is my last week before I have three weeks off work. Those three weeks will also mean I am less online (so behave yourself on the forum ;) ) and editing speed will be lower.

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So you might wonder, which Soviet teamname is most commong. Spartak, (C)SKA, Lokomotiv, Dynamo/Dinamo or something else.

Turns out that the Soviets like their control and the Dynamo/Dinamo teamname is most common, but the second one was a bit of a surprise as it was Kolos.which usually only plays in rather rural areas. So that also explains why there is just one Kolos team of a decent level (reputation: 4750 and playing at second level), while there are more than enough Dinamo/Dynamo/Dünamo's in big cities.

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3 ore fa, Wolf_pd ha scritto:

So you might wonder, which Soviet teamname is most commong. Spartak, (C)SKA, Lokomotiv, Dynamo/Dinamo or something else.

Turns out that the Soviets like their control and the Dynamo/Dinamo teamname is most common, but the second one was a bit of a surprise as it was Kolos.which usually only plays in rather rural areas. So that also explains why there is just one Kolos team of a decent level (reputation: 4750 and playing at second level), while there are more than enough Dinamo/Dynamo/Dünamo's in big cities.

great fun fact!

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Little progress this week. My work has been chaotic and it is likely I won't be able to edit this week.


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Vacation has started, so this thread will be a bit more quiet from my side the coming three weeks. No more 14 hour desk sitting for a while. Hope the editor still recognises me when I come back :D

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hace 8 horas, Wolf_pd dijo:

Vacation has started, so this thread will be a bit more quiet from my side the coming three weeks. No more 14 hour desk sitting for a while. Hope the editor still recognises me when I come back :D


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 07/06/2024 at 13:54, Wolf_pd said:

Vacation has started, so this thread will be a bit more quiet from my side the coming three weeks. No more 14 hour desk sitting for a while. Hope the editor still recognises me when I come back :D

You mean, 14 hour desk sitting at the RIGHT desk and gaming computer instead of the wrong desk with work files :lol:

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1 hour ago, themodelcitizen said:

You mean, 14 hour desk sitting at the RIGHT desk and gaming computer instead of the wrong desk with work files :lol:

My work laptop and gaming desktop are on the same desk. The worklaptop just has less room than it want it :D

Also, just 14 hours....? :D

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Sorry to ask, but you'd be a good person to get advice from, I want to start attempting to edit properly from FM25 and as would get new pc, would it benefit me getting pc with decent intel cpu or should i go down workstation route like threadripper etc.  Have i7-13700k at present and takes ages even just saving changes sometimes!  If there's a thread I've missed on this I apologise.

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7 hours ago, jamesmorgan78 said:

Sorry to ask, but you'd be a good person to get advice from, I want to start attempting to edit properly from FM25 and as would get new pc, would it benefit me getting pc with decent intel cpu or should i go down workstation route like threadripper etc.  Have i7-13700k at present and takes ages even just saving changes sometimes!  If there's a thread I've missed on this I apologise.

I'd say this link will get you the answers you're after. There's very knowledgeable people in there. Also this year's editor is the slowest I've used that I can remember! 


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7 hours ago, jamesmorgan78 said:

Sorry to ask, but you'd be a good person to get advice from, I want to start attempting to edit properly from FM25 and as would get new pc, would it benefit me getting pc with decent intel cpu or should i go down workstation route like threadripper etc.  Have i7-13700k at present and takes ages even just saving changes sometimes!  If there's a thread I've missed on this I apologise.

I am a software guy and not a hardware guy really. One advice from my side would be, don't set the specs based on the editor. I have about 15K in editor hours and even with my last rig the editor wasn't the deciding factor. It was a different game that made me pick my specs and the editor just profited.

Apart from that, the link that \'Appy \'Ammer provded is the one to follow.

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Thank you!  That link confirms I don't need to go crazy spending money by the looks of it- was concerned as my previous pc seemed quicker but good to see it's not just me and the editor is just slower than previous versions.  I'll have to get my head around the rules etc and it'll be hard to come near some of the work others have done, but looking forward to attempting to!  Many thanks!


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Last day of my holiday today and tomorrow it is back to the daily grind of work.

Which also means I am going to back on the project on Tuesday :) First some last checks on the Soviet data and then it is competition edit time in Czechoslovakia or Poland. Poland needs some work on playoffs while Czechoslovakia does have quite straight promotion and relegation, so would only need finishing touches and testing.

With regard to beta testing and when this project is finished, as I have gotten some questions on it, it all has taken way too long (4000+ hours in the editor now for the project) and that's partly because I am a perfectionist and partly because it is just too big. That also means I am not sure we are finished before FM25 comes out. As FM24 files can be loaded in FM25 (Miles Jacobson did not mention it wouldn't be possible, so that's enough confirmation for me), I want to finish this project, hopefully this year. After that it will be the Historical Divergence, but that's just as much storytelling as it is editing and it does not have much of a deadline. However, I might start approaching people to help me out with specific files. This is also my way to get you in the credits as a creator and make it a bit more of a community project. Call it a thank you for the fact you stuck around and all the interest in the project.

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  • 1 month later...
On 10/03/2024 at 23:54, Wolf_pd said:

Some minor update. The pneumonia is really bad so I am pretty much in bed 18-20 hours a day at this moment. Has been a while since I have this bad (April 2020 to be exact……)

Turns out the pneumonia earlier this year and my 2020 condition were connected. I have regular blood checks for some medical research I am taking part in and I got a mail this week that the pneumonia wasn't pneumonia, but Covid. Incidentally I likely have had Covid again last week, but things have normalised again the last few days.

Somehow I wonder that when I finish this Iron Curtain project, Covid will suddenly decide to leave my body.

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8 hours ago, Wolf_pd said:

Turns out the pneumonia earlier this year and my 2020 condition were connected. I have regular blood checks for some medical research I am taking part in and I got a mail this week that the pneumonia wasn't pneumonia, but Covid. Incidentally I likely have had Covid again last week, but things have normalised again the last few days.

Somehow I wonder that when I finish this Iron Curtain project, Covid will suddenly decide to leave my body.

I hope you will feel well soon

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  • 5 weeks later...

Combination of little editor burnout and recovering from the Corona infection from earlier this summer. Took a little while for the tiredness to disappear.

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Loading up a FM24 savegame into FM25 is going to a bit more interesting after the news that international management will be locked away for FM25. That it returns in (a (probably expanded way) in FM26 is good new though. I do like to run internaitonal management saves and you might have noticed that the FM20 Iron Curtain release was more or less aimed at that part as well. At least I get some time to spend on FM24 instead of being distracted by a new editor :)

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Back to work, competition editing in the Soviet Union. With moving versions a lot of teams in Kazakhstan need to be redone (noooooo!) Not happy with having to re-add teams after moving games.

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Just 4 more teams for Kazakhstan to add, checking all teams for second teams to be added to the competition (where do you think those 4 Kazakh teams will come from :D ). A final check that all teams are in the correct competition (will go quicker than you think and it is time for cup building. Just 17 to do :)

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The good news, I am working in Soviet advanced rules.

The bad news...... And yes, there are absolutely teams there.

Looks a lot like what happened to me in Czechoslovakia, so I am probably in need of some major competition creation rework (but this was calculated in, as I had some expectations).


So next is data work for Yugoslavia while I turn back a few versions for USSR and then start reworking each competition and test every time when I have reworked a few.

Best thing is I can use this screenshot :)

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