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Edit stadium Carl Zeiss Jena before starting a save!


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This beautifull german club Carl Zeiss Jena (4th tier) is rebuilding there stadium. The plans are there already for years. Unless the covid-problems they are already started with the rebuilding at the last quarter of 2021. Proof you can find here:



Is it possible to add this in the Pre-game editor one way or another? If yes: can someone explain to me how? The costs are for the community/city/township where this club is located (for as far I can understand German :P )

I guess when I want a new stadium in-game, the costs are all for the club. Which means is wil take years to rebuild the stadium (in-game) which they are doing in real-life already! It should be ready at the end of 2023. Although the constructions they are playing there matches at there own same stadium :) 

The stadium name in the Pre-game editor is: Ernst-Abbe-Sportfeld.

Hope someone can help me to explain how I can add this before I start a save!

Thanks already!

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