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Player Interactions when other teams are interested in them


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One thing that I think would be a good additional feature (Which I'm pretty sure isn't an existing feature), would be player interactions when the player is currently in talks with another team regarding a contract/transfer. 

I play primarily Journeyman Saves and spend a lot of time in the lower leagues of England, and often find myself in situations where I'm competing for the signing of players or having my non-contract players poached by other teams. 

In these scenarios, I always think that I would like the possibility for players to come to the manager and say something along the lines of: "I am currently in talks with TEAM A, and they have offered me a contract with these features: Wage=£500p/w etc. Whilst I am reluctant to leave, the money is a contributing factor, and if you were to match their contract I would be happy to stay at the club" 

I often find it frustrating when these sort of things happen, and another team offers my player a contract and I have no idea what they have offered, even if I would be willing to match/exceed the offer in order to keep the player. I also find myself thinking that in a real-world scenario, these sort of interactions & discussions would happen between players & managers. 

Similarly, when you're fighting other teams for the contract of a player, it would be cool if the player informed you of his highest value contract offer and asked you to match it, because you are his preferred club.

I feel like this sort of feature would add a really cool Money vs Club dynamic within the players. It would also be cool if certain player stats/personalities influenced how they act in these scenarios, for example some devious players could lie about what they've been offered to try and get a bigger contract offer from your club. Likewise, devious/sly players in your club could go about these talks with other teams in secret, whilst professional team-leader type players would be more likely to come to you with this sort of information, as they are integral to the team and happy where they are. 

I feel like this sort of system could be a really cool update to player interactions, and could certainly be developed upon in even further depth than I've gone in this post.

Let me know what you all think :)

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  • 9 months later...
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Thanks for the request we appreciate the detailed input and feedback. Some of the details are ideas that are already in our internal system. They may yet be rejected or, with further development, end up in a future FM. :) 

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