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I can't choose the tactic or starting lineup for U19 or the 2nd team (Bundesliga) but my assistant can...

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I have several players that I want to play as often as possible in the U19 team and in the 2nd team, but in the dropdown menu in staff-responsibilities, I am not available, but every other coach in the club can be selected to pick players. I am only available to give opposition instructions to the two development teams, but I cannot affect who plays.

There is only a 'Take Control' option on the opposition instructions and my name in the dropdown list is only on the opposition instructions. Not on the selection advice for either team.

Now I can take control of touchline instructions and lead team talks for these teams, but I can't pick any players?

This is unrealistic and absurd. Surely this is a bug.

I don't want to really have to pick the entire U19 or 2nd team squad, that's not common for 1st team managers anyway, but designating certain players to always play if fit is.

Why can't this be done? Very frustrating.

My best and highest potential young players, three of them to be exact, always perform well in the 1st team when I pick them, but they don't even make the U19 or 2nd team squad despite being fit and available for most matches as I schedule all my development teams friendlies in midweek. They won't play even when I've set my assistant to pick players and he will even select them for the first team at times!

What's up with this?

P.S. Like I said, they are fit, available, are 18 and under and have a better CA and PA than anyone else in the U19 or 2nd team


u19 cant take control.PNG

Edited by tarzanofmars
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Don't you get this screen day before B/U19-team match day?


I can choose which players play in which position in this screen.

If you don't get this screen, check these settings.


Edit: I don't know if I can select tactics here or not. They are using same tactic as I am and I'm happy with it. 

Edited by Zaharra
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This screen suggests to me the only way to do it is to sack your U23/U18 whatever manager and take control - not ideal at all!

EDIT: Zaharra is right - it has to be done through that screen. It still annoys me though as he never selects my chosen line-up so I have to tweak it every time. I wish he'd remember my line-up and present to me as default, leaving me to make changes when I want to.


Screenshot 2022-02-02 134538.png

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On 01/02/2022 at 20:21, Zaharra said:

Don't you get this screen day before B/U19-team match day?


I can choose which players play in which position in this screen.

If you don't get this screen, check these settings.


Edit: I don't know if I can select tactics here or not. They are using same tactic as I am and I'm happy with it. 

Yes I have that screen, but I can only add or remove players already selected, I can't add the 18 year old players to the pitch or bench if not already selected.

I do have that selected, but these are 18 and 17 year olds that I want picked every match if fit. I'm in December and they've never been picked. It's not a registration or youth rules issue because I signed 5 young players from Norway, one of them gets picked every week, the others (and I cheated and had a peep at their CA and PA and they are better than the ones being picked) have never been picked.

I think they should streamline this whole issue and give the 1st team manager the option to tell any of the development team managers to 'pick this player every week because I want to ease him into the first team this year'. Or simply because I want him played.

Thanks for all the responses, it's not a bug, but I feel like it is a 'bug'.


Yeah I certainly don't want to do that! But isn't it odd that I can select myself to give opposition instructions, but out of the entire clubs staff I am the only one who cannot be selected to pick the team?

I'd like to hear SI's logic behind this because I know for a fact managers have conversations with youth team managers and they are told (they often agree anyway) that such and such needs to play as mush as possible. The fitness coach or the GK coach is never going to do that.

Edited by tarzanofmars
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Click that little triangle by a substitute player's name. Then select a player you want to play and after that drag him to the pitch.

For some reason you can't select him directly to the pitch.

I agree it's difficult and frustrating to do this before every single game. Especially if you have lots of youngsters you want to play in a specific position.

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