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Tactics screen showing "estimated attacking positions"


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I think many of us learned the hard way that the formation showing in the tactics screen is actually the defensive positioning of the players during the match (I'm pretty sure many players still don't know that). Well, since the departure of the arrows, some older players like me might have found a bit difficult to cope with the where-are-these-guys-going. Sometimes we EXPECT players to do a certain movement when attacking based on their role, traits and mentality, but sometimes is also hard to picture the whole team movement. Some will say "mate, change something and then check analysis", but I don't think that's what happens in real life. Managers would show the movement they expect from the players in the white board. Sometimes you change one role in midfield and that prevents your winger from not cutting inside as you wanted, because that area is taken. But there are so many possibilities that might be hard to foresee all them.

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