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[Suggestion] Simply filter date selection.


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Similar to the previous suggestion about a filter for club join date, I would like to see the Contract Expiration Date be simplified. I routinely search for players with 18-24 months remaining on their contract to try to unsettle and sign on a discount. Updating the filter every year to adjust out the contract expiration window involves more menu navigation than necessary. Rather than clicking than have to click through the calendar view, would it be better to have a static filter that identifies contract expirations within X months of the current date in-game?

This would be useful for any filter that requires a date, but Contract Start and Contract Expiration most importantly. By filtering out Contract Start Dates within the past six months (Today's Date - Six Months), we can eliminate players unlikely to discuss a transfer because of renewing their deals. Conversely, by filtering for Contract Expiry Dates, we can be able to identify targets to unsettle in advance and ensure they don't renew a deal before getting to that 12 month line.

For the latter, an alternative to revising date selection method would be to include additional Contract Status values: Expiring (18 Months), Expiring (2 Years). 18 months allows us to more readily identify mid-season transfer window bargains. While the latter can identify players to declare interest in, unsettle, and perhaps get to the 12-18 months threshold for a discounted transfer fee.


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