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[Suggestions] - A few ideas, in my opinion


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I’ve been playing Football Manager for a number of years now. The earliest FM instalment I have on Steam is FootballManager12. Here is some suggestions I think should be implemented, and again these are only my opinions:

- Clubs offering realistic amounts for your players; it seems to me that what my player is valued at really has to sway over what a interested club will offer me. For a player that is valued 80-100m I only seem to be offered 50-60m or somewhere around that range. Sometimes less. I understand clubs will do that from time to time (which is ok) but they are the only offers I ever seem to receive. I usually make a save with Manchester United (don’t judge) and I am still yet to break the 80m record they received for Ronaldo. Highest I’ve ever received is 70m for Sancho but he was worth around 100m at the time.


Players crying about playing time; I have players who want to play every single game no matter their fitness, if they have the orange injured symbol or are just returning from injury, or another player is playing with great form. No matter the situation, some players just cry nonstop for playing time when they are already playing the majority of the games. I think it needs to be a little more realistic and players need to understand they need rested (due to fatigue or injury or poor form). 

Player wages; this one might be more for bigger clubs. But I feel like a lot of players ask for far too much. I would estimate I have currently around 8 or 9 players on at least 300k. Again, sometimes it works nicely where players accept the same wages for a new deal, but the majority of times they demand another 100k or slightly less. I don’t know, just spitballing here. 

Clubs trying to lure me away; I have never received another management offer from another club in a longgggg time in this game. Unless I’m unemployed. I understand if I’ve just signed a five or four year deal there is going to be no interest. But when I have one or two or maybe even three years left and I’ve been doing really well, why do other clubs not approach me for a job?

Handballs; is handballs a thing in this game? Correct me if I’m wrong but as of writing this, I genuinely can’t remember one handball situation in a game. Again, correct me if I’m wrong. 

Changing the kits slightly; I might be alone on this one. But as I have mentioned already I always make a Man United save (since they are the club I support) so I will use them as an example. I think it would be cool if every season you alter the kits slightly to show that they are new kits for the new season. Example, the United kit is red with a little bit of white. Maybe when I complete that season with that kit, the following season you could alter it slightly to allow for red with a little bit of black. And then the season after return to the red kit with a little bit of white and so on. Just change it up each new season to make it feel like it’s actually a new season. You could say the same for the design of the footballs or whatever. 

Fangroup interviews; this isn’t related to what’s currently in the game but what maybe I’d like to see introduced. A one on one interview with a fan group maybe once or twice a season? Not every week. Just once or twice a season. Example, at the start of the season where they will ask what we aim to achieve for the upcoming season, what role will Player X play this season, rumours circulating around Player Y and how do I feel about that and if it’s hurt the groups morale at all. And so on. 

Player incidents; I might be in the minority on this one but I feel like there should be more player incidents that I have to deal with and discipline them for. Example, players seen out partying more often. Then in turn the media should pester me about that in the conferences so I have to decide whether to defend the player publicly or criticise him and obviously in turn this will alter his morale and our relationship.

I think that will do for now. I do have a few more ideas and thoughts but this post is long enough as it is. I hope this at least gets read lol, never made a post on this forum before.

All the best with your seasons,

- Matthew





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Thanks for taking the time to input your feedback. These ideas have been passed on to the design team. However, they may yet be rejected or with further development make it into a future iteration of FM. :) 

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