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[suggestions] a few top line suggestions


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Some of these may have been raised already, but I had a look in the review section and couldn't see them either exactly, or explained in this way...


  • Improve the player AI/requests 1: I have players in my game who request new contracts every 6-8 months, or the player info screen says they're considering asking for a new contract. Once you have 7/8 players doing this, it sees your wage bill double or even triple in the space of a few years and is unrealistic to real life. Players will generally only get new contracts every 2-3 years, unless their status or playing time has increased dramatically (eg breakthrough players).
  • Improve the player AI/requests 2: This is one that usually happens more toward the end of the season or when I know I have a big run of important games coming up, but I will have players who have started 20 games in a row, or started 40 games over the course of the season. Then I'll have a big run of games coming up where I rest them so they're fit for the important ones (UCL semis, finals etc) and because I've rested them for 2/3 games they'll complain they're not starting enough games, or feel they're 'not good enough to ever make it at this level.' Having the players being able to contextualise their game time and what's coming up would be a good feature.
  • Player salary expectations AI: 16 year old youth prospects from Belgium asking for £50k a week and asking to be a regular starter for a team that is winning league titles and UCLs is unrealistic, especially when they're not a 'generational talent.' Also, a player will be earning £70k-ish a week, you'll try to sign/renew their contract and they'll want £300k+. Linked to my first point, when a player is asking for a new contract every 6-8 months, you sign a player and pay them £50k a week and 2 years later they're asking for £300k. 
  • Player to club negotiations: this is super jarring. I constantly see a player's value at say £50m-£70m and will offer £50m. The AI will come back with a negotiation of £120m or something ridiculous. The lowest they'll go is still way above the range offered (£70m). Then a few months later the AI will complete a transfer for the same player within the AI for way below what they were asking from you.
  • Club to player negotiations: basically the opposite of the above - you'll have a player valued at £75m, and the AI will offer £40m and when you try to negotiate it never goes above. I've had players worth over £150m where the AI lowballs me at something ridiculous like £60m, but is then demanding 3x a players proposed value when I try to sign someone.
  • Minimum fee releases: simple one - allow these to be activated with the 'sign at end of season' option. Also allow to be activated paying in instalments rather than one lump sum (which aside from the Spanish release clauses, isn't a requirement) IRL.
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  • 5 months later...

Bumping this and adding an additional point...


  • Development loans: for the life of me I can't work out what use the loan manager is within the game. IRL, you'll have young players and they'll go out on loan, safe in the knowledge it's part of a development plan. In the game, you'll have players refusing to go out on loan or turning down clubs in the top leagues/Championship because they're only interested in a move to an elite club. Take Saliba at Arsenal for a real life example - he went out on loan for three years at Arsenal, and although at least two of those loans were to clubs lower than his ability, he understood it was part of his development plan and he was happy to go to any club for playing time. Having the same in the game and being able to outline this with the loan manager would make it more realistic and then make the loan managers role relevant.
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I still dont know if it should be the loan manager who seeks out loans for young players or head of youth dev?

Is the loan manager just someone who manages young players once theyve been placed? Or someone who finds them in the first place?

Like a lot of things, the game doesnt explain this and leaves you to guess with an uninformed opinion.

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I've seen players have an estimated value of £1m.  I make a bid of £1m and the other club counter with £10m+.  The game encourages scouting but when you find a hidden gem the selling club always know what his full potential is and will charge accordingly regardless of everything else - That's not realistic.

For example, Scotland could produce the next Messi but nobody is going to pay £100m for him because it's viewed as a pub league.  A player value isn't just based on ability, but geography.  

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On 15/09/2022 at 12:53, PigeonStrangler said:

I've seen players have an estimated value of £1m.  I make a bid of £1m and the other club counter with £10m+.  The game encourages scouting but when you find a hidden gem the selling club always know what his full potential is and will charge accordingly regardless of everything else - That's not realistic.

For example, Scotland could produce the next Messi but nobody is going to pay £100m for him because it's viewed as a pub league.  A player value isn't just based on ability, but geography.  

I think this is the thing and what's so frustrating! You send your scouts out and they find a 17 year old from Peru who's valued at £500k according to the scouts. You then do a more indepth scout and they come back again and confirm the range of say, £500k-£1m. You go somewhere around £750k and the club replies with a counter of £15m and a bunch of sell on's!? Like you say, it's not realistic because even if you go up to say, £2m it's more than the club will make in a year and will be a huge boost. Yet they're still demanding £12.5m with a 40% sell on clause.

Then to top it all off you finally get an offer accepted and the player (who your scouts say is currently on £70 a week and will probably want about £1k a week) asks to be an important player, on £150k a week and get a percentage of their sell on fee. And all because another club is interested. You are not Mbappe my guy, be realistic please.

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On 13/09/2022 at 18:35, 2feet said:

I still dont know if it should be the loan manager who seeks out loans for young players or head of youth dev?

Is the loan manager just someone who manages young players once theyve been placed? Or someone who finds them in the first place?

Like a lot of things, the game doesnt explain this and leaves you to guess with an uninformed opinion.

Yeah this is a good point. In fact, that raises another good point. If the role of the loan manager is to manage the player once they've been placed, then why do you constantly have to deal with players who are unhappy with the amount of time they're getting on loan, or managers who aren't sticking to the agreed playing time. In fact, the loan manager should be saying something along the lines of 'as a player who has an agreed playing time of important player, he should be starting 80% of games. He is currently starting 30% of games.' And then they should advise you whether they think this is fair to the players ability and performances, or whether they should expect more. Depending on what the answer is, then they can recommend whether to recall the player and find a new loan at a different club at a more suitable level, or to keep them where they are.

As it is, like you say, the loan manager is just another role that's there that doesn't seem to add any value or explain what the purpose and benefit of having one is.

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They do something like that already, I think its under Loan reports. They advise if the player is getting enough games amongst many other things.

I was thinking more about what the roles entail. They are not defined.

Are Loan Managers good at finding loans for young players? I dont know.

We get role definitions for players, but we don't get them for staff.

Edited by 2feet
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Yeah you're right, it's been a while since I played so I totally forgot they did that 😅 

But yeah I agree, the whole 'finding loans, finding the right loans, creating a development plan' aspect (which is what a Loan Manager does along with HOYD in real life) is missing.

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