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Expanding 'Offer to club' settings


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Currently you can set some settings to use if you offer players for sell to other clubs. These settings are pretty limited in my experience.


Percentage of his value

You can set a percentage of his value. But you cant see the ingame value anymore, since it has become a range. So you have no idea with value is picked based on this setting anymore. This makes this setting unclear and it needs some improvement. It is not really clear which value will be picked for a player.

Expanded settings for mass offering players for sale


For loans you can already pick a lot of different option. I would this too for selling players. You can for example tick a box so a percentage of next sale will be include in the transfer deal. So you can ask for including (or excluding) fees and clausules. That makes it much more micro intensive to sell lots of players. 

Lock settings in transfer deals via offer to clubs

I would also love a setting to offer player to clubs, but lock certain parts of the deal. It is pretty annoying to get 0% wage percentage offers for loans, when asking for 100%. So i want to lock 100% wage percentages for offering out the players, so i wont got these stupid 0% wage offers. I just got 50 offers on different players with 0% wage contribution, while asking for 100%.

Edited by MisterX
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