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unreasonable player contracts

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Hi, i just got my team to overperform and ended up in promotion to my top league. One of the players making it happen asked me mid season for a new contract reflecting his new abbilities, but he is super happy and was okay with delaying the contract talks to after the season. With the promotion in the bag i now approached him to see what he wants and....well. He is currently a four star player with his top form. He wants to be an important player, and he wants to have a big pay rise. I could live with both  promises, considering he currently makes about 500k a year with bonuses and deserves to be raised to my other top earners at about 1 million/year. But, he wants 2,5m. He is not worth that money to me, neither compared to the rest of the squad, nor considering what i am willing to pay for my players in general. And i think he might not be worth that for anyone. So, when i failed to get him anywhere near what i would like to pay, i walked away. He wanted to immediately talk to me about my broken promise and i picked the option, that i promised him to talk about a new contract, but i never promised him what he considers he is due. And he was happy about that. He is in high spirits still, and has another year in his contract. Now, he is also worth 2-3m and if i cannot keep him, i will try to sell him, but do you know of a good way to get this player to just take a reduced contract? I feel like this one should be happy with 1.2 to 1.3 million in Bundesliga, but maybe i am just way off. Will it help to give him a new contract in the next year? I felt the game does not update your status after a promotion until after the new season officially starts.

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Try offering him the contract you feel is more than fair and then add extra incentives for him to potentially earm more for attacking add bonus for goals/ assist contributions and then defensive try clean sheets etc should help with him accepting a contract worth more to you than him 

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