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Custom Match Plan


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I want to have a custom match plan for a certain competition with 14 teams. The first stage is a league where every team plays each other once (I'm going to reverse the fixtures every year). I found a older thread that suggested looking at the Serbian Super League's custom match plan, so I have tried to copy that as much as I can.

When I test it in the actual game the custom match plan is ignored.


If there is a one-stop thread for this and I have overlooked it somehow, I'd be really grateful just to see that...but for now, this is what I'm dealing with:

I have gone to "League Settings" ---> "Match Plan Rules" and completed each cell in the table in "Custom Match Plan."

1. I wanted each team to have a match day where they didn't play, so it was easier for me to make the schedule from scratch. I designated that with a "0"...is this how "byes" are allocated?

2. I seeded the teams by going to "Teams" and doing 14 versions of this with using seeds 1-14: Get Specific Team, Team 1, All teams get the same seeding, 1...I did this because I made the schedule without thinking about what seeds would be designated if I were to simply give seeds with one line of instruction

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To give a team a bye, I'm pretty sure you just don't include them in a round of fixtures.

As for seedings, you can set them using the seedings section of the main stage page. Simply sort the teams by whatever you want using "sort teams". You could also sort teams in the get teams section, then using "incremental starting from seeding value" and it will simply go down the list of teams, giving seed 0 to the first team, then adding one for every subsequent team.

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So just leave the cell blank instead of 0 and they're not included in that round of fixtures? This is likely the issue then...


And ya I know I can give seeds to teams with just one line, but I did it this way because I made the schedule manually in a Google Sheet beforehand (I gave teams numbers/seeds myself that didn't have an easy way that sorting the teams would work)...I can change all the numbers/seeds around on the GS to fit though, just being lazy with that tbh


I also chose to do seeds 1-14 instead of 0-13 based off of the Serbian Super League that I used as a template...it does not use seed 0, so that's the reason I went with 1-14

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Finding it hard to leave them blank...the default number is 0.


When you try to "uncheck" a team for that fixture date in the Details Panel it takes out 3-5 other teams too...hard to say that's intended or a bug though...

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EDIT*The example I'm using is* the Serbian SuperLeague Stage 2 and it didn't have any 0's in any of the cells...so no 0 seeded teams and no 0's designated to take that round of fixtures off on that example

When I saw that I was confused because you're right the first seed is 0, but just shrugged and decided to push forward giving it a shot anyway

The SSL uses the seeding method "Use position in previous stage" so maybe that's different, but even when you use that seeding method I thought the top team was seed 0?

Edited by VolBadger
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So for anyone else who may have had these questions, I think I figured out a couple of things...not 100% sure yet if everything works properly, but it seems to

1. I accidentally figured out how to do a match day with teams taking a round of fixtures off...in the Custom Match Plan portion, if you make 2 teams both have negatives, then they do not play...if you want Team 7 and Team 8 to have a bye, instead of doing a normal match say where Team 7 has "8" and Team 8 has "-7"...do this: Team 7 has "-8"/Team 8 has "-7"

Not entirely sure if this means you can make a viable match between the teams later in the schedule, but I don't really want to verify and reverify my database again...so, there ya are

2. The way I seeded the teams seems to have worked (Get Specific Team, Team 1, All teams get the same seeding, 1 ), however, you only need to do this if you have a specific way that you're making the schedule...the way I assigned the numbers/seeds to the teams didn't have an easy way to work off of one line like "Get teams from division" etc...again, this step isn't necessary, but it worked for me

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