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This tactic is my first ever tactic I've created by myself.

I used it at another team once, in Cambodia. Koh kong. They were predicted to finish in 7th. In the end we won the league title. I then moved on to Pontypridd Town. they were 11th in the JD Cymru South. I'm still there mid-season.

Please feel free to take a look and tell me if there could be any tweaks to make.



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Looks like your trying to play a low-key tiki-taka in the lower leagues of Wales, good luck!

Seriously though, it looks a good tactic but there are a few things that can be improved

1. CM-SU and BBM-SU are basically the same player doing the same things, try changing one to a more attacking role such as a mezzala or advanced playmaker. If you still want to use him on support, the two roles I just mentioned are great on support, while still providing contribution to the teams attacking movements

2. IWB - AT, this needs to be the right player with good dribbling, agility, pace, acceleration as he is cutting in a lot, and if he is on attack he will need to be tracking back frequently after he or his teammate loses possession. If your selected player has these attributes, then it looks good. Also, another ideal thing for a IWB is a player trait such as 'cuts inside with his left foot', or 'likes to switch the ball to his left foot', something like that.

3. If you have 'counter' on 'distribute quickly' needs to be on otherwise your goalkeeper will halt a large amount of your counter-attacks.

Hope the save goes well, good luck and happy fm'ing!

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 I did realise putting a Mezzala on the RCM might help. As it would drift out wide and help out the Winger on the right.

Plus, the IWB on attack, would cut inside and fill the hole the Mezzala has left. Thanks for that suggestion by the way.

I've changed a couple more roles that I realised might change the way we attack.

I changed the Treq to an AP on attack. (Although it could be on Support).

And, the Winger on the right is now on attack instead of support.


Edited by LazerGlove
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