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Bigger 'Edit Search' window in scouting view


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It would be nice to have possibility of having bigger view for 'Edit search' windows in scouting view. Here's the picture how it looks right now in wqhd resolution:



The windows does not resize itself in different resolution settings. Even thou I use wqhd resolution I'm unable to see more than 2 additional conditions at the time which looks just very bad when you want to have more conditions in your filter.

Well you can say 'just go to 'advanced' tab and everything will be fine'. Technically yes but on the other hand if I add any attribute related search filters it suddenly start looking like this:


and it's still not very friendly when it comes to adding other conditions since any new condition will be added at the bottom of the list.

I'd recommend resizing this pop-up window depending on overall window/screen resolution because right now it's just waste of all this free space that is left behind.

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