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Manager Profile Requests


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A few things I would love to see in manager profiles that seem small but would greatly add to my immersion:

  1. Ability to customize pronouns/referred-to-as gender to something different than the default for the chosen model. E.g. use the male avatar but use she/her pronouns or vise versa.
  2. Gender-neutral pronoun options (they/them).
  3. Unlock hairstyles and attire options for other genders. If I want pigtails or a headband on a male avatar, I would like to be able to do that.
  4. Ability to use team colors in attire. I like to wear a tracksuit or a tie that matches my current team's color(s). It would be nice to have the option to set any of the colors to "team primary" or "team alternate" so that your avatar is always wearing the correct color for your team.
    Edit: I finally found the option to do this right after I made this post!
  5. This one is hilariously tiny. Let's pretend I'm playing as Pep Guardiola. Sometimes the media will ask me about my tactical style and call it "Guardiola-ball." I'd like the option to have them call it "Pep-ball." Maybe the media can just use your custom tactic names if you have one?
Edited by andypt
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