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DLC - tactical familiarity - position/role/duty

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I have a preferred formation and tactic and this includes a back four with 2 wing backs in support and two ball playing defenders in defend.  I have used this tactic in multiple saves and teams and every single time I have got to a place where every single player has full bars for tactical familiarity with the exception of DLC.

The instructions of the DLC are identical to that of the DRC.  There are no counteracting player traits to instructions and I have tried playing players that are left footed, prefer left side of a two man pairing, right footers, players with 5 stars for BPD in defend in their role and duty score.  I have the players training specifically for that role and players that will have played for 50+ games in that position and next to the same partner.

However, despite all of this, the tactical familiarity for position/role/duty is always short, no exception.  Sometimes it has that shaded bit to say they can improve to that and sometimes it's just short.  Is this a bug? Is there something I am missing?  Is there anything else I can do.  I know it doesn't actually mean that much but it still sort of bugs me that every other player has full bars after playing consistently with each other and in their roles for a couple of seasons apart from this one position.

Example - Clement Lenglet has played 90 games in this role, most next to the same defenders and with the specific training for his role:




Does anyone else ever get this too or is it just me?


*wasn't sure if this should be reported in tactics or bugs so apologies if it's not in correct place

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You are looking at Position Role Duty Familiarity. Thats a function of positional familiarity, role suitability and duty familiarity.  For two of those he could have achieved enough familiarity, what could be  the difference maker is his attribute distribution. Perhaps he lacks enough attributes in the role of  a BPD to fill the whole bar. Personally speaking its not something I worry about.

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I also believe there is a bug with this. This is Bruno Fernandes, shows as 'awkward' when playing in his natural position, with a 5* role. Also, look at his numbers - 14 goals and 11 assists in 16 games. Doesn't seem very awkward to me!



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I'm not sure if this is a bug or oversight, this is clearer with CB roles. I have 4 CBs, 2 LCB and 2RCB. Both sides are BPD-D.

2 LCB are left footed, 2 RCB are right footed.

If only using positional training, LCB will not reach full familiarity. You will most likely get warning about lack of familiarity.

If trained in the role, they will reach fluid but there will be a slight gap in the bar, it is not full but there will be no warning of lack of familiarty. This may then be just a UI thing and therefore not matter although I'm not sure what has happened with Lenglet for you.

If the LCB role is different and the LCB is then trained in that role, it should become a full bar

It seems players train for the right side, this happens if same role is used as CM for example.

Edited by lelkol
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