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Lower league staff wages


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I don't know if this post should be on Feature Requests instead of Bugs section, but this is something that is really annoying me while playing in Swedish 4th division with Tolo IF.

Look at my players wages. The highest paid one is Stark, with 110 p/m, as you can see.

Now look at my staff wages (including mine). Bjorn Andersson wasn't in my club, I signed with him and needed to pay 1k p/m. And Blertim Zuta was my U19 manager receiving low wages, but when I wanted him to be my assistant manager, he only accepted 950 p/m (after 3 attempts). Remember that I'm managing a semi-pro club. This obviously doesn't make any sense - why staff are so overpaid in this game?


Another related thing that annoys me happens when I'm managing lower league teams in Brazil (I'm brazilian). It's simply impossible to offer less than 3,25k reais p/m (£ 530), even if you're signing grey players. However, the minimum wage in Brazil is 1.2k reais p/m (£ 195), and players in state lower leagues usually are paid one or two minimum wages. And obviously the staff are even more overpaid than in Sweden.

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  • 4 months later...
  • SI Staff

Thanks for taking the time to raise this here. This is something which has already been flagged as a request within the community, so has already been documented and is part of our internal database of features for consideration. Like all features raised to us, it could end up rejected, or could after extensive design and development become a part of a future FM.

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