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Will you be buying FM23 ?

Will you be buying FM23  

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  1. 1. Will you be buying FM23

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Depends on how many changes there are.  If it's just teams and rosters than no because I'm in the middle of a save so it won't make a difference.

If there's actually improvements or new features, then possibly.  Might wait for a sale though.

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Probably not. If they fix all the bugs that makes the game unplayable for me, maybe.

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I was like that with fm21,  Most of them are.  I was hesitant to not buy 22 but when i looked at the data hub it got me hooked.  Great feature i use for every game and to observe my own team.  Great utility to use to analyse data quicker than before.  I just posted on the forums how nicely i used Ronaldo compared to previous versions where it wasn't the same.  The match engine has been improved and some chats reduced which i like when talking to players.  I was a bit scared to buy or not, because the last thing i want to do is rush into a new FM game and be bogged down with excessive data after a hard days work.  

From my point of view it's not a major game overhaul and given the pushbacks with covid i'd say we are lucky to even see fm22 when to be honest business's have been burnt to the ground.


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Ive not enjoyed this years version of Football Manager 2022, ended up uninstalling the game already and were only in May the earliest ive ever uninstalled FM and have no desire in the future to reinstall it. But i know as soon as September/October comes around when you can pre-order Football Manager 2023 they'll be no doubt ill be buying it like usual cause its just a norm thing to do for me.

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No I will not buy FM23 or any FM until the ME can resemble a real match......not to simulate it because that is impossible with current technology and AI...

But to resemble a real match, for example dribbling to be allowed....not only running past defense but dribbling.....

I realize SI have a very tough job with the ME but over the years I have paid more money to SI for incomplete games than I have buying my PC.... enough is enough.

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I am not too sure right now. My laptop should not have been able to run the game for three games straight and yet it somehow still works. One day it is gonna stop and with the current costs of chips, I want to wait a year or two until I really splurge on a new system.

So I might wait a bit longer this year and then try the demo to see if it makes sense. Maybe switch to the Switch. Or take a leap of faith because I have no self-control.

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I own a copy of FM since 2005 until 2021, Live included.

I'm yet to buy FM22, which I'm going to do. Someday.

Have to be honest: seeing it sold as FM2122 and the thought to start over again with trainings, settings, tactics, contracts, interactions, press conferences again and again and again, same questions and same answers, same UI ... it makes me feel sick and bored and rejects me from playing it. But I love FM21 for me it's among the best FM ever made.

16 years of playing and now I'm finding out I have enough. I'll probably buy it, my collection needs to survive this. But playing it... it's turning to be "stressfull".

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On 29/04/2022 at 10:19, Dagenham_Dave said:

It's been an automatic purchase for me every year, but after being thoroughly underwhelmed by FM22, I might be in the undecided camp for the next one. 

Although I daresay when the pre-order is available, I'll buckle as usual. 

Same for me, I normally play FM games for 1000 hours and this version has reached about 300 hrs.  Yes, 300 for any game is good, but the latest version just hasn't done it for me.  There isn't enough change to warrant purchasing it again if the current trend of "tweaks" continues.



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On 06/05/2022 at 07:46, Jay25H said:

Ive not enjoyed this years version of Football Manager 2022, ended up uninstalling the game already and were only in May the earliest ive ever uninstalled FM and have no desire in the future to reinstall it. But i know as soon as September/October comes around when you can pre-order Football Manager 2023 they'll be no doubt ill be buying it like usual cause its just a norm thing to do for me.

Can ask what made you uninstall the game quick ?.  Is there something specific that you didn't like.  I found it good and i am enjoying training as a team and individual more.  Also i am enjoying the contracting side more which was a pain in the previous versions.  This time round i can get top players for way less.  Also am enjoying the handling of duties by other staff  it's sweet.  Don't forget they had to battle through covid as a business.  Things can only improve.

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9 hours ago, ctfm2012 said:

Can ask what made you uninstall the game quick ?.  Is there something specific that you didn't like.  I found it good and i am enjoying training as a team and individual more.  Also i am enjoying the contracting side more which was a pain in the previous versions.  This time round i can get top players for way less.  Also am enjoying the handling of duties by other staff  it's sweet.  Don't forget they had to battle through covid as a business.  Things can only improve.

I am sure the staff could handle duties on 21,


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I voted depends on the features.

I surely will buy every version of FM, but it depends on the features if I get in November on release or March after the final patch. 

The main reason, is simply, since I play with big fantasy leagues, I got tired of every new update, if SI adds new clubs with the update that changes UIDs of my created clubs, forces me to update my created clubs UIDs logos and kits (2d and 3d).* 1 or 2 is fine but try updating 400+ created clubs UIDs... :(  With the final patch of that version I have guarantees that won't change. Secondly, I also got tired with the updates and changes that makes me restart a save, when an update arrives. Thirdly, I always had a sensation that I was sort of tester of a game in the period before the final patch is release. Finally, I after years features like the Youth Ratings being sold to us to be something and end up being something else (some may disagree with this as per the thread that this was debated) and the murder of FMT and the years of promises that never was fulfilled... I take new features or any hyped SI announcements with pinch of salt. I prefer to see the features in action and read user feedback of those features and make my decision accordingly if it is game worth to buy on release or wait for the final patch.

*SI has a bad habit of existing club change name, they prefer of creating a new clubs, instead of using the existing club. Not sure why they do it, maybe that way guarantees them something doing this. but it is a bad habit with the current info we got to the procedures of SI.

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compared to previous versions of the game.  I recall when backroom staff were not so interactive as it is in the later versions of the game.    There might not be a huge difference between 21 to 22. But being a fan of the game i keep bying every year.  The game is not perfect like every other game  out there today.  Given the improvements and the neatness of the player interacting the game more so than every before is just joy to me.

Chit Chats be it player press or whatever back in previous releases for me use to be a long nightmare.  They have reduced all that to minimal and i now enjoy quicker chit chats with players and staff as a whole.  Where in previous version it clogged my leisure time.  Not only have the reduced the chit chat  it as you know also has an effect.  

I will admit years ago you would see me on forums crying like a kid like you have never seen before.  You wouldn't find anyone worse than me unless you were unlucky.  It's taken me a miracle with the help of the community to improve my AI towards the game.  I never use to be a fan of very detailed things.  With FM i've gone beyond that and it's surely made me a better manager by far.  It does improve you.  My patience is no matter what small new addition they add to the game I will always buy it.  Why might you ask ? is because i want to build my knowledge from the ground up by the introduction of new additions to the game.  let's not forget the world is moving and new additions in life come our away in the football arena.

So for me I found 1. chit chats more pleasing, 2. Press conferences more pleasing 3. Play chit chats more pleasing, they now don't take as much time as they use to and they all affect whatever you say. Love it.

3D match engine improved and enjoying it very much.   Improvement in some filters from what players are saying but please check youtube for it.  

For me it's money well spent.  Does it pay to stay on 21 and wait for 23 ? you can say yes to that as well.

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Highly unlikely that I will buy unless they add a difficulty level or perhaps a way to reduce rng in the game. Also because the game has very little innovation and has been relying on an outdated match engine. The game doesn't look/feel/play much different than 10 years ago, SI are just milking the franchise imo.

Same reason why I won't buy a new FIFA game or pay for a new destiny expansion unless it's heavily discounted, I'd rather pay for a whole new experience like Hogwarts legacy.

If I feel like playing FM I'll just load up fm21 (think that was the one free on epic store) it's basically the same experience just without the updated transfers which becomes irrelevant as you progress through the seasons.

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On 14/05/2022 at 02:27, Kuchiki said:

Highly unlikely that I will buy unless they add a difficulty level or perhaps a way to reduce rng in the game. Also because the game has very little innovation and has been relying on an outdated match engine. The game doesn't look/feel/play much different than 10 years ago, SI are just milking the franchise imo.

Same reason why I won't buy a new FIFA game or pay for a new destiny expansion unless it's heavily discounted, I'd rather pay for a whole new experience like Hogwarts legacy.

If I feel like playing FM I'll just load up fm21 (think that was the one free on epic store) it's basically the same experience just without the updated transfers which becomes irrelevant as you progress through the seasons.

an outdated match engine ?.  I know with stadium graphics they can do better but they also have their hands tied due to licensing.

Not sure if you have used the data hub.  Bloody great addition to the game.  Kind of a tool that details just about the most important stats of your team from a whole perspective.  That to me is an awesome addition as it visually shows me strengths and weakneses of my team compared to the league avg and what not.  Theres much to discuss about it, it's a very powerful tool that visually shows you in graphs strengths weaknesses.  At the start i didn't highly think much of it but as i delved deeper i'm using it for every game.  I wish this was available back in the day.  Yeah i was a bit like that should i wait a few years when more additional stuff come out but as i said i love the game and support the franchise.

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My yes needs an important note: I’m going to buy it in December. Why? I bought it on release every year but I’m done doing a prolonged beta test until SI fixes the game for December when the biggest influx of sales is around Christmas. Until version 23.2.1 everything before that really impacts my game experience. So next year I’m gonna be joining during that holiday period too and actually be able to have an enjoyable time right away.

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I won't be buying FM23 as I usually play FMT and since they slimmed down that version and included a 30 season limit sadly the FM series no longer appeals to me (I still play FMT 21) I don't have enough time to play the "full fat" version so despite having played FM since CM 00/01 I can no longer play the game in which I enjoy.

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6 hours ago, psucolonel said:

I am not sure they can top FM22.  It may be the best sports management simulator ever created.

When it comes to ME, they'd better top it. Because otherwise FM21 will be the last FM I'll be playing. Managing in lower leagues is not possible for me in FM22, because I simply can't stand watching two lower league teams getting 700+ passes with over 90% accuracy all the time. 
But if they fix that and don't introduce anything else game-breaking like that, then I'll definitely buy FM23 sometime after the final patch.

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On 29.04.2022 at 16:36, Draakon said:

Too early to tell, but in the past my decisions have been linked to how my long term save goes in the past version. If I enjoy it - I continue to play it. I have skipped a year (or two) in the past versions. But if anything happens to the save (eg. I lose it or something like that) it's a strong incentive to buy the new version and try it out. However, I usually delay starting a new long term save on a new version in Spring, after winter update is available and most of the ME problems ironed out.

This is pretty  much it. FM22 was underwhelming for me, did not even play it once I have seen the same engine issues in 21 was present in 22 and longer press conferences is not an attractive feature. 

I will not get FM23, and this is 100% based on how SI drops supporting a game that charge full amount within 5-6 months of its release. We get the same answer every year, and this year I wont have to ask when are you fixing the engine again :)

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11 hours ago, samuelawachie said:

I'm pretty sure that most of you guys saying NO will be  

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come October 2022 :D

I used to be like that, but I'm trying to change my habits.

I hope coming October or November 2022, I will resist buying the game, this time I'm convinced that I will succeed. Previous years I haven't felt what I feel today... abandoned, not cared for... and pretty much fed up as user of their editor tool, making me micromanage extra steps to have proper logos and kits for my fantasy leagues, meaning every updates they add new teams, change few things and that obligates me to adjust for extra stuff and the extra hops I have to jump to have functioning leagues structure. Also every update means my created teams changes UIDs, obligating me, managing config files for logos and kits of 512 teams after every update is a nightmare. I'm reaching the limit of patience here to be honest as an editor user, that has me wonder, it perhaps better for SI kill the editor tool, so I can proper sever my experience for good.

People may say take a break. I always do this, take a break... but i feel this time is different. I'm beginning to think that FM is no longer for me. the game has become so bloated, so daunting, so juggling, so micromanaging, that is becoming like second job on its own. To be fair, not sure that women's feature, that is coming in the near future will save any small interest I have left for the game.

I do wonder if FM22 will be the last FM I will ever buy... In the future, we will see.

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Not at release, maybe after the winter update...if the lower league and realism mods are available for it too.

Ofc is Gegenpressing strong - it should be strong bcs it means to attack your opponent in the most vulnerable state if his play!

The exhaustion works, albeit not in a single match but over the span of a few matches - i lose some matches, dont win bcs my team goes with low energy into some matches when there is every 2 or 3 days a match and my team is not big enough or has to many injuries to have subs for all/most influencing positions.

I guess maybe its a bit hard to recognize if every of your player is an unexhaustible stamina wonder...i feel it and fitness needs to be lower at average, there are unexhaustible stamina wonders in top tier football but not that much.

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I think the last FM I played was 20. Basically same game each year, same questions same answers same ME. Might as well just update database on the fm if you have fm 20 or 21 to the most recent update if there is one which no doubt there will be somewhere. 

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21 hours ago, grade said:

I used to be like that, but I'm trying to change my habits.

I hope coming October or November 2022, I will resist buying the game, this time I'm convinced that I will succeed. Previous years I haven't felt what I feel today... abandoned, not cared for... and pretty much fed up as user of their editor tool, making me micromanage extra steps to have proper logos and kits for my fantasy leagues, meaning every updates they add new teams, change few things and that obligates me to adjust for extra stuff and the extra hops I have to jump to have functioning leagues structure. Also every update means my created teams changes UIDs, obligating me, managing config files for logos and kits of 512 teams after every update is a nightmare. I'm reaching the limit of patience here to be honest as an editor user, that has me wonder, it perhaps better for SI kill the editor tool, so I can proper sever my experience for good.

People may say take a break. I always do this, take a break... but i feel this time is different. I'm beginning to think that FM is no longer for me. the game has become so bloated, so daunting, so juggling, so micromanaging, that is becoming like second job on its own. To be fair, not sure that women's feature, that is coming in the near future will save any small interest I have left for the game.

I do wonder if FM22 will be the last FM I will ever buy... In the future, we will see.

FM feeling like a second job is correct, really fun when you’re not in full-time work… but mega stressful trying to play FM and have a normal life too

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On 18/05/2022 at 23:17, Mikke said:

When it comes to ME, they'd better top it. Because otherwise FM21 will be the last FM I'll be playing. Managing in lower leagues is not possible for me in FM22, because I simply can't stand watching two lower league teams getting 700+ passes with over 90% accuracy all the time. 
But if they fix that and don't introduce anything else game-breaking like that, then I'll definitely buy FM23 sometime after the final patch.

I'd like that area improved as at the moment I've got people playing passes that the likes of Hoddle could only dream off combined with players having a fantastic first touch.

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Not a chance. FM22 is laughably bad. Getting a bit tired of paying 30-40 quid for games that have multiple features broken, that barely if ever get fixed.


Couple that with each year's upgrades being absolute fluff (the whole feature reveals are always stupidly overblown and add almost nothing in the grand scheme of things) and the whole thing being basically a roster upgrade. Nah, sod that.


Best gaming series ever for me, up until around FM18. Been rapidly downhill since.

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Yes, and I've been preparing my FM23 Set -Piece Steam Workshop graphics and suddenly realised they might change all the set-piece routine names !! Are you changing the setpiece routines for #FM23 @Neil Brock


FM Attacking Corner Right 1.jpg

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58 minutes ago, DJ Sir Matthew said:

I haven't bought FM22 for several reasons and these still stand if SI wants my money for FM23. From most important to less:

- implement multi-core support, make the game faster (for most basic computer 2x to 3x speed increase, for some up to 10x speed increase)

- include FM Touch again with full fat purchase if the above isn't possible & allow light customization with FM Touch (just editor files adding players, real name fixes, yourself as youngster to see what your career could be)

- too much news! inbox is overflowing, even when disabling all news items I possibly can. Allow preferences files to be loaded at the start of the game so the community can help create pre-fabricated set-ups that helps "noobs" to be not overloaded with information. (ties in with the smoother UI and less clicks)

- Smoother UI, less clicks! and make it possible to customize every page to only see the key aspects if someone only wants to see those. But allow for full data blown pages for the data queens among us

- too much samey interaction! Players been nagging since FM17 orso? Press conferences still similar questions as years ago? Make it fun again, it is a game not a simulator. The customization with staff responsibilities is a step in the right direction but can still be taken a step further?

- Immersion! I want to feel like managing a lower league South African team when I'm managing a lower league South African team and the same when managing a top European club, two different beasts

- More immersion, I want to feel like I'm really at the Champions League final (yes, include that awful tune) , but the same for a national cup game and want to feel like I'm watching a real football game

To those who say for over x hours of entertainment : why would an older version not keep giving those extra hours of entertainment? I didn't play FM for a few months and restarted it last week and only after few hours in realized I was still playing FM21 (with a data update & realism packs and what not)... didn't even feel the need to have FM22. So if it's only entertainment, you can still have it with an older version?

+1 for multi-core CPU; but requires re-writing everything from ground-up in source code. If SI decide to do that, we will see a different game overall!

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On 01/06/2022 at 12:08, fc.cadoni said:

+1 for multi-core CPU; but requires re-writing everything from ground-up in source code. If SI decide to do that, we will see a different game overall!

It'd be nice finally for a complete rewrite instead of the same jaded, dated, buggy engine every year.

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On 30/04/2022 at 04:30, Marko1989 said:

I think I already have all the tools needed in the game so I would like graphics overhaul to make the game more immersive. 

I mean, real 3D improvement, not like in recent years where you can barely even notice improvements, graphics are still stuck in early 2000s. 

That would maybe make me buy it

Agreed, I'm mostly happy with where the game is but I desperately want a graphics update, give me some interesting stadiums, vibrant surroundings and generally bring the visuals up to date and I'll buy it for sure.

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1 hour ago, harrycarrie said:

It'd be nice finally for a complete rewrite instead of the same jaded, dated, buggy engine every year.

Yes the UI needs a complete refresh, it feels very dated now and bloated. There are many things that could be added to the game to spice it up but I feel the current UI is holding FM back from being even better. I'm convinced this is why maps have never been fully implemented in FM, the UI just can't handle them properly. The maps in the scouting centre are late 80's Amiga quality.

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If SI cared enough about my opinion to at least convince me to take a look at FM23, making FM run well enough so that a R5 3600 isn't outpaced by a i3 10100F would go a long way. I actually could somewhat overlook the stagnant nature of FM's development and progress over the years if it didn't take ages to run leagues; nevermind checking rules and conflicts in the Editor for anything somewhat complex, which takes absurd amounts of time to load, and even longer to verify. That's part of the reason that FM can feel like a second job (to me at least): it actually runs bad enough that it takes as much time as a second job if you have the gall to load 10 or 15 leagues, which barely covers the top leagues in the world even if you only play in Europe. But someone else has said it a bit more eloquently in another thread, so I'll just quote them instead.

On 13/11/2021 at 21:15, PineappleBlender said:

I've run another set of benchmarks, this time disabling 12 out of 16 cores in the BIOS i.e throwing away basically 75% of the CPU.

Benchmark results, Ryzen 5950X 4/16 cores enabled, otherwise as above:

Benchmark A - 1:02
Benchmark B - 4:47
Benchmark C - 14:14


This was achieved by naively disabling the cores in the BIOS, with no attempt to select optimum cores. With Benchmarks A & B we're within margin of error. For most practical purposes under normal usage, effectively zero parts of the game use multiple cores. In theory this should allow PBO to boost to higher core speeds because there's extra thermal overhead. For scientific accuracy more detailed testing would be needed, but it shows the general idea.

As a reminder, results using the full 16 cores i.e. ~4x more processing power were:

Benchmark A - 0:54
Benchmark B - 4:43
Benchmark C - 6:59


If you look at Benchmarks A & B which is how almost everyone will play the game, the result is frankly embarrassing. I remember years back asking Miles to look into this on Twitter, and he was refusing to accept the game doesn't scale with multiple cores, insisting that telemetry from AMD and Intel showed how good his team's programming was. Send him these results. Or get someone to test it themselves, because this is blatant denial.

Some people might look at this and say "it doesn't matter about optimising for people with 16 cores". And you're right, it doesn't. There's probably only a handful of FM players with this many cores. But it's badly optimised for anything modern. That basic laptop you got from PC World? I'm sure you'd like FM to be 3-4x faster if it was optimised properly. There is zero reason to think the game scales great on 4 cores, but badly past that, because the same technique that would allow it to scale for 'normal' processors would work on high end stuff.

The point is not that the game isn't designed efficiently for supercomputers, it's that it's not designed to run well on anything past 2005.

Every single aspect of this game is able to be parallelised. QME could simulate different leagues per core. Transfer targets could be done per core. Training improvements could be done per core. Even for stuff like the full match engine which is complex, you don't need to parallelise that, because you're doing that already by simulating 20 games as part of the league.

FM should be scaling near linearly with core count, like video encoding. It is probably one of the best games in the world for scaling potential, but poor coding practices and a refusal to modernise or even accept this on the part of SI means the game is incredibly suboptimal.

It isn't easy to rewrite the game to use multiple cores. No one says it is. But at least Miles and the like should honestly admit their software does not work well on modern hardware, instead of dismissing criticism even with evidence.


It would require a lot of work, it's not easy. But we're not talking about only getting a 5% speedup for 10% of users. We're talking about massive speedups for every single player.


On 14/11/2021 at 03:31, PineappleBlender said:

I can't prove what Miles said on Twitter several years ago to me on an account I've long since deleted, so I'll understand not taking some random person on the Internet at their word making such an allegation, though it was completely dismissed.

It's not easy, I completely agree. I'm sure it would be a lot of work and you'd have to rewrite probably almost the entire code base to convert it into a format suitable for multi core. It would however be a lot of work that would pay massive dividends. Every single player having a faster game, twice as fast, four times as fast, ten times faster. Players being able to run large amounts of leagues with acceptable loading times.

It's also frankly crazy that this hasn't been a priority since c. 2010 when multi core started becoming a major thing. Especially these days as single core performance is much harder to improve, and there's a trend towards more and more cores.

One thing Miles has done recently is say women's football is being implemented, not for economic factors, but because it's the right thing to do. Yet apparently no one seems to have seriously argued about the massive benefits over the past decade of using 21st century programming design to achieve massive game speedups that other companies could only dream of! If Miles thinks "our game is 10x faster" isn't a good selling point, then I'm not sure what to say. If that isn't a good reason, how about "it's the right thing to do".


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@harrycarrie & @Xavier Lukhas

Happy to see there is an interesting in this topic. This year with Inside Forward situation was an interesting topic as an example; reminds me the situation with Bad Company where your movement was left - right - forward - backward, but not diagonal left-forward. Prefer to see that 2-core CPU (supported) being a thing of past in FM. It's like image & audio in my world. Recording 4K will look better in 720P display from 720P recording in 720P display, but recording 720P video and being displayed in 4K will look ugly. That's what I want to see from Sports Interactive, not if they fix or add new stats in Data Hub as an example.

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57 minutes ago, fc.cadoni said:

@harrycarrie & @Xavier Lukhas

Happy to see there is an interesting in this topic. This year with Inside Forward situation was an interesting topic as an example; reminds me the situation with Bad Company where your movement was left - right - forward - backward, but not diagonal left-forward. Prefer to see that 2-core CPU (supported) being a thing of past in FM. It's like image & audio in my world. Recording 4K will look better in 720P display from 720P recording in 720P display, but recording 720P video and being displayed in 4K will look ugly. That's what I want to see from Sports Interactive, not if they fix or add new stats in Data Hub as an example.

The way I see it, it wouldn't make dual cores unsupported: it would just offer the ability for basically every other CPU to stretch its legs. The only negative is that it's potentially very hard since FM hasn't fundamentally changed in almost two decades in the way it processes gameplay. A lot of other things have changed, but FM22 runs about the same as FM12. Technically FM22 can stretch its legs a bit on higher core count CPUs if you wall it with leagues (as evidenced in the benchmarking thread), but it's not a whole lot of distinction for not a whole lot of difference.

EDIT: Deep inside, I do think that FM should be rewritten from scratch because of many reasons that are not worth opening the can of worm for. I don't believe it's going to happen anytime soon though; I'd be happy if it could at least run decently well on modern hardware though.

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