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Name and Surname list based on language(or local region/city/nation), creating new local regions, adding multiple languages to a city, and adding ethnicity percentage in a nation/local region/city (Pre-game editor request)


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Features like the ability to add a Name and Surname list based on language(or local region/city/nation), creating new local regions, adding multiple languages to a city, and adding ethnicity percentage in a nation/local region/city are missing.

Here is an example of what I mean:

Let's say I want to make a very diverse nation like India realistic. There are more than 30 ethnic (or ethnolinguistic) groups each with very unique names and surnames for its population. I can google and find names and surnames belonging to each group but there is no option in the editor to incorporate them.

Then, assuming the first feature is added, I can't create new local regions to fit the names and surnames accordingly. For example, the five south Indian states are inhabited by 7 distinct ethnolinguistic and religious groups. The state of Kerala, for example, despite its predominant 55% Hindu population also has 26% Muslims and 18% Christians. So a Hindu newgen from Kerala should have a name like Chittaranjan Nair but a Muslim from Kerala should have Abdul Hashim-like name or a Christian should have Lonappan Pathros.

For this, I would like to see the possibility to add the name/surname list to languages and/or local regions in sets. 

More complexity would be in the case of the state of Assam. Where besides the ethnolinguistic and religious distinction( for the name/surname) there is a disparity in appearance as well. An Assamese language speaker's countenance varies from a typical Indian-looking one to an almost Chinese-looking one (similar situation like Brazil).

Therefore, the editor needs a configuration like this:

'Created' City: Dhubri

- Local Region: Assam

- Languages: Assamese (official), Bengali (most denizens); for ethnic minorities there are Rabha, Bodo and garo languages. 'This is why we need multiple languages option.'

- Name/surnames sets: Bengali hindu names/surnames 29%, Bengali muslim names/surnames 29%, Assamese hindu names/surnames 19%, Rabha names/surnames 11%, Bodo names/surnames, 7%, Garo names/surnames, 3% etc.

- Faces sets:  Indian looking 67% (as all Bengalis and half of the Assamese speakers, in general, have typical Indian faces), Assamese looking 9% (transitional look between Indian and East Asian mongoloid), East Asian mongoloid looking 21% (Rabha, Bodo or Garo people are of that genetic stock).


Hopefully, in the upcoming interations, we can have the suggested features so that we modders can bring the game close to realism.

Edited by ZH94
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