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Training/Youth facility upgrades


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I really think how you upgrade the training and youth facilities should be looked at and revamped.
It's not really realistic that a club would be thinking of upgrading their facilities and doing it in steps like "We have to make an OK facilitiy, build that before we can build a good one" really doesn't work like that.
Instead I'd think it would be better/more realistic to ask the board for upgrades and get choices that you can choose from and if you want it to be upgraded to a 3-star or 4-star etc. and whatever choice you pick you get a estimated price and time to complete it, the bigger upgrade the more the cost and time it will take of course. And if the funds isn't in the club maybe "grey" the choices out or just have them there but the likelyhood of the request getting declined is bigger.

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In reality though the manager wouldn't have a say in these sort of improvements, or at least not a big one. 

And if we were to add specifics improvements to suggest making, each would have to have an impact on some element of the game - for example, if the manager were to ask for a new set of lockers for the players, would it really have a big enough impact to warrant inclusion? 

Appreciate the suggestion, but I'm afraid it's not something we'd likely go forward with. 

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