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Why is the right side of the pitch seeing no action?

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Hello All,

I am trying to find out why my team prefers to play the ball more to the left of the pitch than anywhere else? I usually have the Attacking Approach set to focus on right and left and sometimes switch to focus in the middle. But it still leads to more touches of the ball being on the left side of the pitch. Looking at my tactics and instructions I am not able to figure out why. The players on my right hand side are actually better slightly overall than players on the left. Ramirez is better than Blanco and McNally is better than Thijs. I am struggling to find out what I am doing wrong. Ideally, I'd like to play the ball more down the middle and have my playmakers ping the ball to either Ramirez, Fabricio, or Blanco but sometimes they just ignore the right hand side.


Any help is appreciated.


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On the face, maybe all of the space is on the left hand side - your attacking playmaker and deeper playmaker will both be drawing players towards them meaning that the right side is congested and the left side has all the space leading to a lot of your penetration coming through the left hand side of the field.

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There are more touches on the left side because there are more support duties there, so its easier to build play that way, if you want more central play - play narrower, tell the widers to play "stay wider with a PI" and you could use focus play through the middle which I doubt will be needed

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