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Experiences with Resource Archiver Success or failed, what can we change and what leads to errors or gives a double beep if you start editor!?


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So I spend time since FM 2020 and look with the resource archiver and change a few things.

OK open Resource Archiver and press unpack archive Create a new Folder and name it original comp editor this folder is your backup if anything goes wrong.



Now create a other folder name it test comp editor and copy or unpack archive in this test comp editor folder, copy the Original Comp Editor and rename this copied folder to Success Comp Editor.

Now you have 3 Folders

original comp editor      > This is your Backup folder 

test comp editor             > here make your changes and tests 

success comp editor      > and here copy this you changed successfully

You can open the .xml file with a text edit, or other text programs. On Mac you can open this .xml files with Xcode.

If you changed a few things and want to test it open resource archiver again press create archive and choose the added comp editor and replace this with the existing comp editor.



Now close the FM Editor and open the editor again (when you hear 2 beeps was the changes not successful).

I advise you to only change one thing and test this. If change several things without testing one change, it can result in only one change failing.

Ok For Nation > Division Levels ... Number of Child Competitions.


Example if you want have more Lower Division Levels and the Parent Comp have more than 50 sub Division you must change the Nation.xml in Rule Group > Advanced Folder and search for number of child comps and change 

<integer id="max_value" value="50" /> to 500 or how many you need. 


path /comp editor/format/rule group/advanced/nation.xml

The lower the level of the competition, the more likely it is that a club will have more reserve teams.

you can change for club reserve teams to create from max 3 to want you need.


path /comp editor/format/database/club.xml

here search for Reserve teams to create

and change  <integer id="maximum_items" value="3" /> to what you need in my case changed to 12


so I tried also Reserve teams (already created) from 3 to 5

but this was not successful so thought I must create a club e team.xml and more 

so I created club e team.xml, club f team.xml like club b team.xml and changed all from b to e and 2 to 5 for e team same for f team but this time to 6 and b to f

and added this to club.xml 

      <!-- 4th reserve fields -->

      <record insert_fields="c5tm" />

      <!-- 5th reserve fields -->

      <record insert_fields="c6tm" />

...so now I thought I must change also the club ui.xml

path /comp editor/format/database ui/club ui.xml

and added like D team  for e and f team here it for f team 

            <!-- F team section -->


                <flags id="name" value="[%string#C6nm]" />

                <string id="name_for_fields_list" value="F Team" />

                <flags id="type" value="record" />

                <boolean id="is_section" value="true" />

                <boolean id="is_optional" />

                <list id="dependencies">

                    <record field="C6un" exists="true" />

                    <record field="C6ds" equals="false" />


                <list id="fields">


                    <!-- Details Section -->


                        <translation id="name" translation_id="229526" type="use" value="Details" />

                        <flags id="type" value="record" />

                        <boolean id="is_section" value="true" />


                        <list id="fields">

                            <record db_field="club,C6ds" hidden="true" />

                            <!--  disabled -->

                            <record db_field="club,C6nt" hidden="true" />

                            <!--  new team -->

                            <record db_field="club,C5un" is_read_only="true" />

                            <!-- unique id -->

                            <record db_field="club,C6ri" is_read_only="true" />

                            <!-- random id -->

                            <record db_field="club,C6nm" />

                            <!-- name -->

                            <record db_field="club,C6sn" />

                            <!-- short name -->

                            <record db_field="club,C6ty" />

                            <!-- team type-->

                            <record db_field="club,C6sx" />

                            <!-- 6 letter name -->

                            <record db_field="club,C6rp" />

                            <!-- reputation -->

                            <record db_field="club,C6dv" />

                            <!-- division -->

                            <record db_field="club,C6od" />

                            <!-- other division -->

                            <record db_field="club,C6ld" />

                            <!-- last division -->

                            <record db_field="club,C6lp" />

                            <!-- last position -->

                            <record db_field="club,C6nd" />

                            <!-- next division -->

                            <record db_field="club,C6si" />

                            <!-- stadium -->

                            <record db_field="club,C6at" />

                            <!-- attendance -->

                            <record db_field="club,C6na" />

                            <!-- min attendance -->

                            <record db_field="club,C6xa" />

                            <!-- max attendance -->

                            <record db_field="club,6lgp" />

                            <!-- logo picture -->

                            <record db_field="club,6icp" />

                            <!-- icon picture -->

                            <record db_field="club,6lgs" />

                            <!-- logo picture string-->

                            <record db_field="club,6ics" />

                            <!-- icon picture string -->




                    <!-- Kits and Colours Section -->


                        <!-- team kits -->

                        <translation id="name" translation_id="293549" type="use" value="Kits and Colours" />

                        <boolean id="is_section" value="true" />

                        <flags id="type" value="record" />

                        <list id="dependencies">

                            <record field="C6nt" equals="false" />


                        <list id="fields">


                            <!-- first kits tab -->

                            <record db_field="club,C6o1" use_details_panel="true">

                                <translation id="name" translation_id="293550" type="use" value="Home Kit" />

                                <boolean id="is_section" value="true" />

                                <boolean id="stretch_to_fit_screen" value="true" />



                            <!-- second kits tab -->

                            <record db_field="club,C6o2" use_details_panel="true">

                                <translation id="name" translation_id="293551" type="use" value="Away Kit" />

                                <boolean id="is_section" value="true" />

                                <boolean id="stretch_to_fit_screen" value="true" />



                            <!-- third kits tab -->

                            <record db_field="club,C6o3" use_details_panel="true">

                                <translation id="name" translation_id="293552" type="use" value="Third Kit" />

                                <boolean id="is_section" value="true" />

                                <boolean id="stretch_to_fit_screen" value="true" />



                            <!-- first gk kits tab -->

                            <record db_field="club,C6g1" use_details_panel="true">

                                <translation id="name" translation_id="293553" type="use" value="Gk Home Kit" />

                                <boolean id="is_section" value="true" />

                                <boolean id="stretch_to_fit_screen" value="true" />



                            <!-- second gk kits tab -->

                            <record db_field="club,C6g2" use_details_panel="true">

                                <translation id="name" translation_id="293554" type="use" value="Gk Away Kit" />

                                <boolean id="is_section" value="true" />

                                <boolean id="stretch_to_fit_screen" value="true" />



                            <!-- third gk kits tab -->

                            <record db_field="club,C6g3" use_details_panel="true">

                                <translation id="name" translation_id="293555" type="use" value="Gk Third Kit" />

                                <boolean id="is_section" value="true" />

                                <boolean id="stretch_to_fit_screen" value="true" />





                    <!-- Staff & Players Section -->


                        <translation id="name" translation_id="293556" type="use" value="Staff and Players" />

                        <flags id="type" value="record" />

                        <boolean id="is_section" value="true" />

                        <list id="fields">


                            <!-- Coaching Staff tab -->


                                <translation id="name" translation_id="293557" type="use" value="Coaching Staff" />

                                <flags id="type" value="record" />

                                <boolean id="is_section" value="true" />

                                <list id="fields">


                                    <record db_field="club,C6mn" />

                                    <!-- manager-->




                            <!-- Players Tab -->

                            <record db_field="club,C6sq" is_section="true" allow_column_sorting="true">

                                <boolean id="stretch_to_fit_screen" value="true" />

                                <record id="display_fields">

                                    <flags id="fields" value="plyl" />







but this was not successful maybe I forgot something here or did something wrong maybe its not possible E or F Team.


So here can you see The 4th Reserve team success is no unfortunately :(

But I'm not a programmer either :D

but more than 3 reserve teams already create will be fine.

so my experiences with the resource archiver you can change or add existing things not all but many things like "Ignore teams"

to other things like fate actions or team type to fate actions.

Somewhere here in the forum it has already been describe where you can set that how you can add locale region 

path is /comp editor/format/database ui/db record lists.xml

here search for local region table

and change 

<boolean id="allow_add" value="false" /> "false" too "true"

<boolean id="allow_remove" value="false" /> "false" too "true"

if anyone have more experiences as me explore please here your successfully changes!

Edited by affe1802
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