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3 at the back while defending // 2 at the back while in possession

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Hi !

Hope you're all well.

First of all, you can check out the philosophy of my football in this thread :

I'm looking for a 3 at the back while defending // 2 at the back while in possession.

I did try this :

- Half-back : it is doing the opposite (3 at the back while in possession // 2 when defending). The pros are that it helps to play out of the defense + against quick transition. However, as we play a slow tempo, i "lack" of a player in midfield, as the HB stays very deep

- Libero (A) : could work, however, I found that the Libero (A) doesn't go up the field that much, staying with a 3 at the back every time.

- Role in DM strata (d) : they do not drop that deep between the 2 CD when defending.

Is there a way to get what I'm looking for ?

Thanks !


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il y a 41 minutes, arthurbf10 a dit :

you could try the wide centre back role on support or attack, on the ball it behaves somewhat like a fullback

I would like someone in the middle, not out wide

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The libero on attack will to a degree do what you want and is the closest you will get.  The problem basically is its behaviour is dependant on the role and position of other players around it.  If you want a libero to get really far forward then you can't have anyone in the DM strata and you also don't want a playmaker role in the CM position.  I haven't tried the libero in FM22, but this was the conventional wisdom of how to get him as far forward as possible (you also can't play too direct or the attack will be over by the time he gets forward).  I can confirm this did work in a previous version though (at least to a point, I never managed to get one playing in the AM position like some did).

Edited by WhyMe
forgot something
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il y a 37 minutes, WhyMe a dit :

The libero on attack will to a degree do what you want and is the closest you will get.  The problem basically is its behaviour is dependant on the role and position of other players around it.  If you want a libero to get really far forward then you can't have anyone in the DM strata and you also don't want a playmaker role in the CM position.  I haven't tried the libero in FM22, but this was the conventional wisdom of how to get him as far forward as possible (you also can't play too direct or the attack will be over by the time he gets forward).  I can confirm this did work in a previous version though (at least to a point, I never managed to get one playing in the AM position like some did).

I have no one in the DM strata (except for my IWB when in possession, but you get it).

No playmaker in the CM spot : my F9 is my playmaker somehow

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That is odd then because he should definitely get further forward than the other 2 CBs, have you tried it without the IWB?  I know it shouldn't have an effect, but just in case.  What about the player themselves, do they have any problematic PPMs such as stays back at all times?  I don't know what else to suggest, maybe someone who has used the libero-a on this version of FM might have more luck.  The libero on attack is definitely the role you want, but I have always found it quite temperamental and tricky to get to work.

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From The Cheap Seat's Seattle Red have a tactic where the Libero actually goes pretty forward. But it was to FM21.

I remember playing a little with that tactic and the Liberto actually had a lot of assists, going forward to, sometimes, occupy the Zone 14, but normally playing as a DLP-De. I believe, looking back, that the trick was having the Team Mentality on Very Attacking.

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  • 1 month later...
Il 9/7/2022 in 15:35 , CKBrahMa ha scritto:

Half-back : it is doing the opposite (3 at the back while in possession // 2 when defending). The pros are that it helps to play out of the defense + against quick transition. However, as we play a slow tempo, i "lack" of a player in midfield, as the HB stays very deep

You could just set a man marking on the forward to any player in the DM strata and you'll obtain what you're asking for. Watch out that he will follow him a lot if the forward likes to go deeper

Edited by Andrew Marines
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