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Extending Tactics Panel


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Hi all,


Having a bit of a creative spurt and have decided to play with the tactics. I'm able to increase the size of pitch (see here) but cannot increase the size of the teal box. I've tried making that bigger and also tried making the instructions smaller.

I've attached the two panels I've been playing with if anyone is able to have a look at them please. Also, here is the code for the team squad:

	<container class="team_squad_tactics_panel" entity_layout_id="at04" id="tesA" name="team squad table" navigation_container="true" >
		<string id="include_starting_xi" value="true"/>
		<string id="include_starting_subs" value="true"/>
		<string id="include_unpicked" value="true"/>
		<layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_top" get_side="top" set_side="top" target="main"/>
		<layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_bottom" get_side="bottom" set_side="bottom" target="main"/>
		<layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_left" offset="12" get_side="right" set_side="left" target="at0:"/>
		<layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_right" get_side="right" set_side="right" target="main"/>

Thanks in advance.


tactics overview side panel.xml team squad tactics panel.xml

Edited by _Ben_
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4 hours ago, _Ben_ said:

Hi all,


Having a bit of a creative spurt and have decided to play with the tactics. I'm able to increase the size of pitch (see here) but cannot increase the size of the teal box. I've tried making that bigger and also tried making the instructions smaller.

I've attached the two panels I've been playing with if anyone is able to have a look at them please. Also, here is the code for the team squad:

	<container class="team_squad_tactics_panel" entity_layout_id="at04" id="tesA" name="team squad table" navigation_container="true" >
		<string id="include_starting_xi" value="true"/>
		<string id="include_starting_subs" value="true"/>
		<string id="include_unpicked" value="true"/>
		<layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_top" get_side="top" set_side="top" target="main"/>
		<layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_bottom" get_side="bottom" set_side="bottom" target="main"/>
		<layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_left" offset="12" get_side="right" set_side="left" target="at0:"/>
		<layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_right" get_side="right" set_side="right" target="main"/>

Thanks in advance.


tactics overview side panel.xml 23.55 kB · 0 downloads team squad tactics panel.xml 22.21 kB · 0 downloads

it seems to be a returning issue.

some have said that the plate / box below the tactic can't be made shorter / wider and that SI has confirmed that
some have said that it can be done

i would love to make it shorter as it would give more room for the view on the right side


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6 hours ago, EnigMattic1 said:

Wait! You can rotate the tactics pitch??? I knew it was a different orientation in panels like TotW, but I never knew it could be rotated on the tactics screen. Now that changes things,

In the pitch with tactics container.xml below,

    <container class="pitch_with_tactics" id="pitc" name="pitch" width="400">
      <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all"  />
      <real id="pitch_perspective" value="0.000000" />
      <string id="icon_flags" value="show_name,show_extra_details,use_overview_icons,drop_initial_if_possible,show_position_role_duty_suitability,show_selection_image,show_number,show_role_duty_labels,show_familiarity" />
      <string id="show_extra_details_buttons" value="true" />
      <string id="pitch_draw_grass" value="true" />
      <string id="pitch_base_appearance" value="custom/texture1" />
      <string id="pitch_pattern" value="" />
		<string id="vertical" value="true" />
      <integer id="pitch_vertical_padding" value="5" />
			<integer id="partnership_vertical_inset" value="22" />
			<string id="vertical" value="false" />
      <string id="pitch_alignment" value="can_scale" />
      <real id="maximum_player_size" value="0.220000" />
      <string id="pitch_line_colour" value="white" />
      <string id="3958779584" value="tactics normal run" />
      <string id="3958779616" value="tactics darkened run" />
      <string id="3958779648" value="tactics dragged run" />
      <integer id="pitch_touchline_width_percentage" value="20" />
      <integer id="line_width" value="1" />


It's this line:

<string id="vertical" value="false" />

9 hours ago, snowofman said:

There is some input here, that you can try and see if it works


Will take a look. Thanks!

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