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What triggers the Dynamic Youth rating to go up?

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No, this is not another topic to complain about the dynamic youth rating being broken. It is actually the opposite. I am playing the San Marino challenge and I play with a club in San Marino (Folgore Falciano). I am in 2045 now. I have been focussing on youth developement since like 2040. Getting young players through Word -> Transfers -> Youth intake. My -19 is filled with many talents (and also a few sgin to sell players)

As you can see above the dynamic youth rating can change. And for me it is changing quite quickly. De DYR in the beginning is 29. In 5 years it went up from 29 to 36. Now my question is: Can someone confirm what triggers this?

For people who want to do a build a nation: As you see it IS possible

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  • 2 months later...
3 hours ago, JAwtunes said:

Thank you. Getting a lot of young foreign players trough world -> Transfers -> Youth intake must have done it then I guess

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