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Delegete hiring/firing of staff - otherwise training too easy?

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I consider doing all aspects of training but one quite well. Doing good training schedules like what Rashidi recommends on his YouTube channel, setting up the coaches well (using cone men etc.), taking charge of individual training etc.


The one aspect that I consider neglecting is the hiring/firing of staff. It would of course be both easy and quickly done to hire great coaches. But I wonder whether that would make training to OP for my subjective taste. In this case, hiring good coaches might be the one remaining piece of the puzzle. I imagine that this one change could make overall player development would go from decent/good to amazing. I wonder whether that would make the game too easy and boring for my subjective taste, like older FM versions.


Any input on this? I ask because I am a rather new FM player. Have only played one moderately long save (4 seasons), otherwise only short experimenting saves. It would be nice with some input from experienced managers so I don't have to play through many seasons before finding the answer through experimentation myself.


I have been rather obsessed about learning about training recently. Althought I want to not be too succesful in my saves, I learned that my previous approach to training was too bad, outright awful actually. Even young players barely developed at all. My training approach up untill this point has been to delegate almost everything to the staff.

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