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The Director of Football could stand some improvement


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It would make the Director of Football much more effective if we could meet with him early on and set up some policy guidelines.

Things like -

If he is allowed to initiate transfers

  • ignore/consider scout and analyst reports before initiating transfers for players (e.g. don't sign  players, C- or lower players, only sign players B or above, set a minimum knowledge level before transfer etc.).
  • sign/son't sign unscouted players
  • ignore/adhere to board requirements on recruitment
  • only bid for players with certain attributes, personalities, home-grown status or reputations


If he is allowed to negotiate contracts

  • set a wage structure and stick to it
  • don't promise more playing time than the manager can accommodate
  • don't promise loans to players the manager wants to keep at the club or U18s (not sure if setting them to unavailable for loan already does this?)
  • set a minimum/maximum contract length

There are probably lots of other things I've not thought of, but these are all based on issues I've had during gameplay.

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This is a really important feature request, as using a DoF isn't really practical without these things. Especially being able to tell the DoF the expected playing time when renewing contracts.

Sometimes it happens the other way round, the DoF has offered the player less playing time than I will actually be playing him, and this lack of promised playing time means the player rejects the contract. 

We are able to tell the DoF the expected playing time when making transfer targets (although not when the DoF initiates there own signings) so it should be possible when renewing contracts.

Edited by Platinum
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  • 2 months later...
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Thank you for the detailed suggestion. It is an idea that has come up before and has been passed to the design team. However, it may yet be rejected or with further development make it into a future iteration of FM. :) 

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